Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dream On

Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day! Diversity is very important to me. My family is like the Untied Nations, a little bit of everything! Raising multi-racial kids, unity is so important to me!
We've come a long way since Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream. While many will argue we have a long way to go, I'm proud of the progress we've made. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. life means that I can teach my kids that if they work hard enough, they can accomplish anything.
That's the dream for me; it unites us all equally. Dream big and conquer mountains.The promise land is on the other side!

"Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream until your dreams come true" Dream On by Aerosmith 

On Amber's graduation day, I spent the day getting everything ready to celebrate. Trevor and I picked up her kids since Will had to open at work and I wanted Amber to have time to get ready and relax with her fellow graduates without the kids.

Trevor had the idea to take the kids to the mall to play, get them something to eat and kill some energy before the graduation. When we were leaving the mall, Trevor saw a Build a Bear and decided the kids should make Amber one. One turned into two because the girls could not agree. Normally, April let Krista run the show, but she was actually arguing with her older sister about what to make for their mom. I rewarded her tenacity by making one with her while Trevor made one with Krista. Robbie didn't really care; he was just fascinated by all the stuffed animals.

The bears took longer than expected, so by the time we finished and left the mall, it was the time we had agreed to take the kids back home.

 Will was at his house waiting for us when we showed up. Trevor apologized to Will and showed him the stuffed animals while I helped get the girls ready since we brought them back late. I gave the girls a bath, brushed their hair, and got them dressed.

Trevor and I then had to rush to my apartment to get dressed. When I came out the shower, hair up in a towel, my dress clinging to my still damp body, Trevor was sitting on my bed, playing with his laptop. He looked handsome in khakis and a beige plaid shirt. I eyed him enviously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked when he noticed me glaring.

"It's not cool how little effort it takes for you to look that good." I complained, as I pulled out my blow dryer.

"I told you how good you looked in that sheet the other night. You're the one that has to do all that hair and make-up stuff." He smiled.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time for all of that stuff. I quickly dried my hair, leaving it wavy and added a little styling milk to define the waves. I did my quick make up routine: foundation, bronzer, liner, gold shimmer and rose tinted lip gloss. In 15 minutes, I was done and pulling on my nude booties.

We met everyone at the auditorium of Amber's school. I called Rocky to see if she was already there.

"Everyone is here but you and Trevor!" She informed me. After finding out where they were seated, I led Trevor into the auditorium. I headed towards the center, looking for Rocky.  Trevor grabbed my hand and pointed to the area in front of the right side of the stage. I saw Gigi who was standing by Rocky, waving us over wildly. We walked, hand and hand, over to them.

"Trevor! So good to see you. I almost forgot what you look like since I barely see you when you're in town!" Rocky said, in a passive aggressive tone.

Trevor smiled at her and gave her a hug."You see me now. Besides, you never come see me."

"You know my ex is why I don't do that, but maybe I should bring Becca one weekend and we can have an ex party! Lily, you can bring Jake, we can make a night out of it." Rocky said, sarcastically.

"As much as that sounds like an awesomely bad reality show, I'm going to have to pass." I smiled, as we moved passed them to sit.  I waved at Ethan and he waved back. He was sitting a row in front of us with Will by Amber's family. I sat next to Sammy.

"Where's Corey?" I asked her, as I sat down.

"At work. He's meeting us later." She answered. She watched as Trevor sat next to me, holding my hand. She smiled at us.

"Hey Trevor." She greeted him, warmly.

"Sammy! What's up?" Trevor grinned at her.

They caught up with each other. With Sammy new responsibilities as a business manager and Trevor working on the new website, they talked about the risk and rewards of striking out on their own and following their dreams.

I was amazed by how good it was between us. There was no hostility or bad feelings. I knew Sammy said she was fine with Trevor and me, I just wasn't used to how civil people could act around each other when they had history between them. Everything was normal between us.

...Well, almost normal. When Trevor turned to speak to Sammy, his hand rested on my inner thigh. That definitely wasn't our norm, but I loved it. I pressed my thighs together to keep his hand there. His eyes met mine and he gave my thigh a little stroke.

The graduation started and Trevor and I focused on that and not each other. When Amber's name was called, Trevor whistled and cheered like crazy. So of course I joined in. We got more than a few crazy looks, Amber's family included. The wide smile and devil horns Amber gave us when she had her diploma and was posing for a picture at the end of the stage was worth the looks.

At the end of the graduation, everyone gathered around Amber to congratulate her and take pictures. The one with her kids was the sweetest: The girls held on to the stuffed animals they created while Amber held Robbie. Even I "awwed" when Will kissed her and told her how proud he was of her. I still didn't like him, but I couldn't deny the admiration and love that shone from his eyes.

After everyone got their picture time with the graduate, we loaded up and headed for Babe's. It was a family restaurant that was simple, could handle a big group, and was kid friendly. The one we went to was in downtown Carrollton and had a separate dinning area for big groups.

Ordering was easy: everyone picked what meat they wanted, and that was it. A simple salad and biscuits started the meal, and mashed potatoes, green beans and corn were served family style accompanying whatever meat you chose. Trevor got chicken tenders like the kids and since I was an adult, I chose chicken fried steak. Although when his big plate of chicken tenders came out, I was second guessing my grown up choice.

"Give me a chicken strip." I demanded over everyone chatting and eating, as he passed me the biscuits.

"No...what did you tell me before? We didn't collaborate on this." He said, taking a huge bite out of a tender.

"We don't have to. I'm your girlfriend now. It's a given. I can just reach onto your plate and grab it. I asked out of courtesy." I informed him, as I halved and buttered a biscuit.

He laughed at me. "Is that right? Already pulling the girlfriend card on me?"

"Yep, so hand it over." I said, pouring molasses over one half of my biscuit.

He pretended to follow my instructions but grabbed the biscuit I just prepared off my plate. He shoved it into his mouth before I could protest. He grinned as he chewed it, obnoxiously.

"You jerk!" I said, pinching him on the arm. My outrage just made him laugh harder.

"Are you two really fighting over a biscuit right now?" Rocky asked us.

"Yes!" Trevor and I exclaimed at the same time.

"There's plenty more..." Gigi said, holding up a bread basket.

"It's the principal. It was mine." I said, cutting my eyes at Trevor. It took everything to keep a straight face.

"What happened to the boyfriend/girlfriend given that we share now? It only applies when you want my food?" Trevor asked, a small trace of a smile on his face.

"Duh! What's yours is mine. What's mine is mine!" I said.

"Lily?" I looked up to see Ethan standing beside me.

"Yes?" I said, smiling up at him.

"People are starting to finish up and the kids are getting restless. You want to start the around the room? Before people leave... or it gets anymore contentious." He said, eying me and Trevor.

"Of course." I nodded and stood up when he returned to his seat.

Ethan and I discussed earlier about having a moment to give everyone a chance to congratulate Amber. I loved the idea so we planned to do it after dinner. The best way to start it off was by someone going first. Ethan didn't know it yet, but I was volunteering him.

"Hey everyone!" I said, nervously in front of a loud crowd. Public speaking was never my thing. After my brush with Karaoke, talking wasn't that bad: It was just getting everyone's attention. Was it still cool to tap on glasses? What if it was a plastic glass?

A loud whistle got mine and everyone elses attention. I gave Trevor a grateful smile before starting again.

"Thank you everyone for your attention. I'm Lily and we thought this would be a great time, while everyone is together, to go around the table and congratulate Amber." I said loudly, so everyone could hear me. I turned to Ethan. "Ethan, do you mind starting?"

He looked at me, surprised. "You don't want to start things off?"

"It was your idea." I smiled.

"You agreed to it." He smirked, but stood up.

"Exactly. I second it, therefore I should go second."

Amber and a few others chuckled and I sat down.

Ethan cleared his throat. "I'm Ethan. I haven't known this family very long. I just want to start off saying there's not that many people I admire and not many of them are women-"

"Alright, never mind Ethan. I'll go first while you rethink that." I cut him off and everyone laughed.

"Wait a minute. I have something planned-" Ethan said, with a little smirk.

"Of course you do." Brandon laughed.

"I wasn't planning to go first." Ethan explained.

"I don't think it matters where you went. A derogatory comment towards women isn't going to work well." Amber giggled.

"It will come full circle, I promise." Ethan smiled at her.

"Get there! Fast!" I replied.

"I would have, you stopped me." Ethan continued. "My mother set the bar really high when it came to my expectations of women. I tell Will all the time how lucky he is to have Amber." Ethan's eyes stopped on mine before he turned back to Amber. "I admire you Amber for being the glue that keeps your family together."

Awww. I felt tears form in my eyes after that.

"Just looking around this table, I can see how much you are to everyone. You're a phenomenal mother, a supporting wife, a great friend, and a daughter any parent would be proud of. Now you get to add college graduate and RN to the list of roles you play. I have no doubt you will succeed like you have with everything else in your life. Congratulations Amber." Ethan finished simply. Everyone applauded as he sat back down.

"Thank you Ethan." Amber grinned at him. He nodded at her. I smiled at him as I stood up.

"Ditto." I said, when everyone stopped clapping. I laughed with them before continuing. "But really, I don't know how to follow that-"

"I told you to go first." Ethan smirked.

"I will follow up by saying I've know y'all much longer. Years longer." I emphasized, smiling at Ethan. He shook his head but smiled. "When I first met you Amber, I was in awe of you. I didn't understand how, or why really, you did it all." I said, honestly.

"I understand now. When you have a dream, you fight to make it happen. Not only am I in awe of you, I'm inspired by you. You've shown me time and time again that if you want something bad enough, you work for it. Your hard work has paid off. I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to see what you do next! Congratulations!" I said, walking over to give her a hug.

Amber stood up, beaming.

"Thank you Lily. I have nothing planned next except getting a job." She laughed, hugging me. I laughed too.

"Good. You're making me feel bad about plateauing." I said, hugging her back.

"Not plateauing. We're at the peak of our mountain." Rocky corrected.

"Exactly!" I nodded.

I returned back to my seat next to Trevor. I was thrilled when I saw chicken tenders on my plate.

"What's this?" I smiled at him.

"Your speech inspired me. You earned it." Trevor told me.

I leaned in close to him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you T-Rev. You inspired me to use the girlfriend card again when we get home tonight." I said, softly against his lips.

"What's that?"

"What's yours is mine..." I said, tracing my finger over his thigh.

"You ready to go home yet?"

I pulled away. "Nope."

Everyone went around the room, bringing more tears and laughter. Tears escaped my eyes when Amber's mother spoke of how proud she was of Amber. Sammy kept the laughs coming when she added bartender to the list of roles Amber played. She provided stories of the experiences Amber had to overcome to make it.

After dinner, the kids went home with Amber's mom and the adults headed to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar. I was a little skeptical about a piano bar, but Trevor told me the one he went to in Austin was so much fun.

The place was a little country, rock and roll vibe and at first I felt out of place. But the crowd was a mixture of ages and ethnicity. I understood why when the show started. Lewd humor, big, stiff drinks and talented pianists playing a mixture of songs. Everything from Taylor Swift to R.Kelly and Outkast to Garth Brooks. I freaked out when they played "California" By Dr. Dre and Tupac. Of course that song was for me! I sang along in between telling everyone it was my song.

I was one drink down when the performer sang "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. I decided that song was for Trevor and me, so I spent that song dancing against him provocatively while singing him the lyrics.

"If you want my future forget my past,
If you wanna get with me better make it fast,
Now don't go wasting my precious time,
Get your act together we could be just fine"

He handled me and my shenanigans like a pro, holding me tight and singing along right with me.

Urgh, maybe I was one of those sappy girls that fell in love and everything was rainbows and butterflies, but that's exactly how I felt. It might have been the alcohol or the throwback jams, but I felt so much unity and love in that bar. It was the best night ever.

As sad as I was when the bar closed, I was anxious to get home with Trevor. As soon as we walked through the door, I latched on to him. I threw my arms around him and kissed him passionately.

"Let's go to bed Lily." He said against my mouth as I smothered him with kisses.

"Good idea." I giggled, leading him up the stairs.

When we got to my room, I kicked off my booties and watched him. He sat on the bed, fully dressed. I got in front of him, standing between his legs and kissed him again. He pulled me so I was sitting on his lap. His fingers sank in my hair as he kissed me hungrily. I wiggled against him, trying to relieve the tension between my thighs. I felt him harden against me, and a bunch of thoughts hit me at once. It sobered me up quickly. Trevor pulled away from me.

"Penny for your thought." Trevor whispered against my ear.

"Nickel for your kiss." I countered.

He kissed me and I smiled against his lips.

"You owe me a nickel, but I'll take what's on your mind." He bargained with me.

"Even if the sex is really bad between us, I still want to be with you." I answered, truthfully.

Trevor busted out in laughter. "Why would it be bad?"

I laughed too. "I don't know. The friends to something more transition. Maybe it'll be weird. Maybe there's a lot of build up. Nerves, who knows." I started. "It's funny, cause I'm normally looking for reasons for us not to work. Now, it's like even worse case scenario, I'm staying with you. You're my dream. I'll fight any obstacle to be with you."

"There aren't any obstacles. Just me and you. I love you Lily. When we make love, there will be nothing weird about it." Trevor said.

I looked at him, disappointingly. "When? So not tonight?"

"Nope." He said, pulling my dress up and off. I was down to a navy lace bra and matching thong.

"Your actions are contradicting your words." I smiled at him.

"No. The same reason it's not weird for you to be my girlfriend is the same reason why sex won't be weird for us." He said, laying me down on the bed.

"Why's that?" I breathed, heavily, watching him crawl on top of me.

"I'm gonna get to know your body as well as I know you." He said, winking at me.

My body clenched erotically at his words. He made good on his promise, exploring my body with his hands and lips. He started with his lips on my forehead, working his way down my face to my neck. He spent extra time on my neck when I groaned at the feel of his lips brushing against my sensitive skin.

I laughed when he moved his mouth to between my breasts and motorboated me.

"How long have you been waiting to do that?" I grinned at him.

"Since the fist time I saw your boobs." He smiled back at me.

 He then paid very close attention to my breasts, more specifically, my nipples.

"Too much?" He asked, after I gasped when he nibbled on my nipples.

"No..." I panted. "Just wasn't expecting that."

"You taste so good." Trevor said, raspily.

He proved his point, nibbling on my skin as he kissed down my stomach, down my navel, then to my legs. Ripples of desire spread from everywhere his lips touched my body.

He kissed up and down my legs, teasing my inner thighs until he finally put his mouth on my clitoris. I groaned out in extreme arousal as he nibbled there too. His hand crossed the wetness gathering between my thighs as he pressed his finger into me slowly. I rolled my hips against his mouth as he sucked gently on me while his finger dipped in and out of me. His touch was driving me crazy. His finger explored deeper inside me, teasing every inch of the way.

I gasped when his fingers found a sensitive spot inside me. He crooked his finger against it and made me cry out.

"How's that feel?" Trevor asked me.

"So fucking good." I sputtered as he continued rubbing me, the pressure building inside me.  He grinned and continued, studying my face. After a few more minutes, Trevor pulled away, telling me, "Turn over."

I did as he asked, my legs shaking from lack of release. He moved my hair our the way before he kissed the back of my neck, across my shoulders and down my spine. He palmed my butt roughly while kissing down to my legs again. I laid my head to the side, sighing as I enjoyed his touch. Rougher than I imagined, but absolutely perfect.

This time when he got between my legs, he didn't tease me. He pushed his finger deep inside of me, finding that sensitive spot, and stroked me in a back and forth motion. My body instantly seized up. I bucked against his finger and the bed wildly.

Soon, he had me coming, crying out my release. I didn't even recognize the sounds coming out of my mouth. I heard my wailing in a distance as pleasure erupted inside me. I was still trembling on the bed when he laid down beside me.

"You look so beautiful when you come." Trevor grinned at me.

I laughed breathlessly. "Your turn."

I sat up and quickly helped Trevor get undressed. His erection looked so hard and angry, I really wanted to relieve him with my mouth. But I decided to make him wait like he did me.

I kissed all over his face, then neck and chest. I discovered his ears were super sensitive. One lick and his erection twitched against me. When I sucked on his earlobes, he groaned out loud. Kissing down his stomach got the same response, but I was sure it had to do with the fact I was moving closer to his penis.

I kissed down his thighs and told him to turn over.

"I can't. I'm too hard. I'm so close Lily." He reasoned with me.

I decided to put him out of his misery and I grabbed the base of his penis. I stroked up and down gently. He grabbed my hand over him and tugged harder. I followed his lead and stroked him harder. I put my mouth down to run my tongue along his head.

His body went rigid. "Lily! I'm gonna come." Trevor called out.

I sucked him in my mouth and he groaned, stroking my face. He thrust up into my mouth as he came. It took me by surprise, but I recovered quickly. He shivered, coming down from his orgasm as I pulled him out my mouth.

"Lay down." Trevor told me as he reached for me.

"Be right back." I said, hopping up to go to the restroom. I cleaned up and rinsed my mouth out before joining him back in bed.

"Was it as good as your dream?" I asked him as I cuddled close to him.

"Better." Trevor smiled at me, pulling me into his embrace.

I smiled at him. "Dream on. We'll make them all come true."

"They already have." Trevor responded.

***Special thanks to Danielle. She's helping me proof read. We don't promise all of it will be perfect, but much improved! Thank you Danielle!


  1. I can't even tell you how much I love them together and love reading about them!

  2. I love it and Lily with Tervor!!! It's amazing!!! I can't wait to keep reading about them together!!!
