Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Just a Friend (Outro)

*Two post today! Read Just a Friend intro first!

“They showed me where it was for the moment
I didn't know I was in for such an event
So I came to her room and opened the door
Oh, snap! Guess what I saw?
A fella tongue-kissin' my girl in the mouth,
I was so in shock my heart went down south
So please listen to the message that I say
Don't ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend”- Just a Friend by Biz Markie
By the time we got back to Dallas, I was in a better mood. Trevor and I were ok and Thanksgiving with his family was a distant memory. I took a deep breath when I saw Amber's and Jake's cars in the driveway. More so Amber's than Jake. I was just curious to how the dinner went with Ethan. He wasn’t very chatty on the phone.
I let us in the house. I went over to hug Krista and April as they watched TV in the den with Riley's boys Ricky, the eldest, and Aiden, the youngest.
Trevor and I then walked into the kitchen.
"Lily!!!" Rocky exclaimed, with a wide grin. Oh, she was drunk. Drunk, Drunk, Drunk!
"Hey." I smiled, as she came over, a glass of white sangria in her hand. I hugged her, removing the drink from her hand. "Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Best Thanksgiving Ever!!!" Rocky laughed, loudly.
I surveyed everyone's faces. Mama Smith looked pleased, Brandon looked exhausted, Jake looked surprised, Amber just watched me, nervously, and Rocky's brothers' just looked different degrees of amused.
"Oh really, I think I can top it." I smiled.
"No, you can't! Did anyone's mom call anyone else a stuck up bitch?" Rocky said, cutting her eyes at her mom.
"Really Mama Smith?" I gasped.
"If the shoes fit." Mama Smith shrugged.
"I'm gonna get some food and you can tell me what happened." I said.
"Nope, we’re going shopping!" Rocky announced. "Let's go mom!!!" She yelled.
"You need to calm down." Mama Smith said.
"That's hilarious coming from you." Rocky laughed.
"Do you wanna come Lily?" Amber asked me.
"Nope. You can leave the kids if it's ok with Will. Where is he so I can ask?" I said, sharply.
"He's not here. Will you come so we can talk?" Amber said.
"No. I'm hungry." I said, turning from her to get a plate. Trevor followed me.
"I'm gonna go with them..." Trevor said.
"Good for you." I said, loading my plate up with food.
He sighed. "Alright Lily."
By the time they left, I had my plate heated up and went to sit in the dining room so I could hear the kids. Jake joined me.
"I brought you something." He said, handing me a plate. I opened it to reveal tamales.
I squealed excitedly. "You said your mom doesn't make them until Christmas!"
"I got her to make them early this year." He told me.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea!!!" I said, digging in.
"What did they do to you over there? Starve you?" Jake asked.
"No, I just lost my appetite."
"Good to see you found it."
I laughed as I ate. Afterward, I tried to get him to tell me what happened.
"I don't know. By the time I got here, it was just tense. The Carter's left right after dinner." Jake said.
"What did Brandon say?" I asked.
"He'll tell me later."
I nodded and pulled my phone out from my bag to check the time.
"Wow, team iPhone now?"
"Urgh, don't remind me. Trevor talked me into it. I want my Samsung back." I groaned. I was checking my messages when Riley called everyone.
"Let’s go! Football time!" He called.
"San Francisco doesn't play for another hour or so." I yelled back.
"Not that game. Outside. It's tradition. Let's go boys." Riley said, cutting through the den to go outside. Allison trailed him.
Ramon and his boys followed him. Brandon came into the dining room.
"Are you playing?" Brandon asked Jake.
"I will if you do."
"I'm down."
"C'mon girls, let’s go." I told them, standing up.
"Miss Lily, we don't wanna play." Krista said.
"You can be a cheerleader." Jake told her.
"Ok!" She said, excitedly, standing up.
We went outside and the guys established the rules. Brandon turned to me afterward.
"You worked out a cheer routine for the girls?"
"No, I'm playing!" I informed him.
"No, you're not! It’s uneven. Wait for Rocky!" Riley said.
"I'll play." Allison responded.
"No!!!" Riley said.
"Let them play." Jake said.
"Fine. Allison, come on." Riley called to her.
We split up: Ramon, Brandon, Ricky, and me against Allison, Jake, Riley and Aiden. They got the ball first; Riley was quarterback and threw the ball to Jake or Aiden to score first. Ramon quarterbacked for us. Jake kept Brandon covered as far as Ramon trying to throw the ball to him. Ramon tried to hand the ball off to Rickey, but his younger brother touched him down before we could score.
When they got the ball back, Riley and Jake did a stupid reversal play that had Jake throwing the ball to Riley for another touchdown. When we huddled up with the ball next, I turned to Ramon.
"Throw me the ball. Straight down the middle." I said to him quietly. I knew I could outrun Allison.
The next play, that exactly what he did. I caught it and out ran Allison for a touchdown.
After that, Riley tried to get Allison involved. That stopped when I knocked a pass out of her reach. The next time we had the ball; Riley tried to get Aiden to guard me.
"Really? You're gonna put a kid on me?" I laughed.
"I have no other choice." Riley exclaimed.
"I'll guard her. Aiden, guard Ramon." Jake switched it up.
"You can try." I teased Jake.
We decided to try a reversal too. When Jake saw Ramon take off running down the field, he left to guard him. That left me wide open, so instead of passing it like I planned, I took off with it for another touchdown.
"Can't guard what you can't see." I taunted Jake, dancing in the in zone
"That was your last one!" Jake promised me.
The next few times we got the ball, he was true to his words. He stayed on me, swatting down balls until he got an interception over me. Instead of tagging him down, I tackled him to the ground.
"Really? It's two hand touch, not tackle."
He laughed, rolling me off of him.
"Oops, my bad." I grinned, hopping up.
I told Brandon I wanted to guard Jake, so we switched. When the ball was snapped, I took off with Jake. When Riley threw the ball his direction, I shoved Jake to throw off his balance.
"Pass interference!" Jake shouted as the ball fell to the ground.
I laughed. "I'm sorry, is there a referee out here?"
"Girls, did you see a foul?" Brandon asked Krista and April. When I shook my head no, they shook their heads no too.
"Alright, remember you started this." Jake threatened with a smile.
"What are y'all doing out here?"
I looked up to see Rocky, Amber, Trevor and Mama Smith come outside.
"Football Momma. You know the routine." Riley answered.
"It's too cold out here." Rocky snapped.
"Next score wins." Brandon decided.
Their team still had the ball. Brandon came to me with Ricky.
"We're blitzing Riley. Stop Jake, whatever means possible." Brandon coached me.
I nodded.
When Riley snapped the ball, Brandon and Rickey went after him. Desperate, he looked at Jake and hurled it. Before Jake could break away from me and chase down the pass, I grabbed him in the crotch. He doubled over as bit my lip.
"I'm so sorry!" I faked, trying to hold in my laughter. It wasn't working.
"You're sorry? That's my nuts Lily!!!" He groaned.
Brandon and the boys started cracking up laughing.
"I thought you had the ball!" I lied, laughing hysterically now.
"Where? By my NUTS?!?! You cheater! Maleton! {Son of a Bitch}" He said, standing up.
"Watch your mouth. I said I was sorry. It was an accident. Are you ok to play? Or do you need a substitute." I said, putting my hands on my hips, grinning.
"I'm fine." He said. "Eres mía Cariño. {You're mine sweetheart}" He told me, as he passed me to get set on defense.
I smiled at him, a shiver running down my spine, out of fear and excitement.
The first play, Ramon threw it to Brandon for little gain. Jake covered me tightly. I wasn't able to shake him. The next 2 plays were more of the same, me struggling to get away from him. The last play I knew we had to score. Jake was on to my tricks and would not allow me a chance to defend him. We had to score or we would lose. I was thrilled when I beat Jake, running down the field. The second that Ramon threw it, I knew why Jake let me beat him. He read the pass, sped up and went up with me to catch the ball. He won the battle and came down with the ball. I just came down, landing awkwardly in my boots. I felt my ankle roll in the boots and I let out a little yelp. Jake ran down the field and I tested putting weight on my ankle. It hurt. Freaking bad.
Trevor ran over to me. "Are you ok?" He asked me, putting his arm around me.
"Yeah. I just rolled my ankle." I told him, wincing.
"What's hurt Lily? Your pride?" Jake grinned at me, coming back from scoring the winning touchdown.
"No, she's seriously hurt you idiot." Trevor snapped at him. I don't know who was more taken aback: Me or Jake.
"It's fine. I just landed funny. I shouldn't be playing football in boots." I smiled, trying to ease the tension.
"Do I need to take you to the ER?" Trevor asked.
"No, I just need to sit."
"Let me carry you..." Jake offered.
"No. I can walk. No big deal."
Trevor led me into the den. It really was aching badly, but I kept a straight face. I sat down on the couch and Trevor went to get me ice. I sent everyone away, but Jake stayed by my side. He immediately removed my boots. I held in my pain as he removed my boot from my injured foot.
"It's already swollen up. You need a hospital." Jake said, frowning.
"No. It's sprained. The only thing they’re gonna do is ice it and give me some Tylenol. I can do that here" I argued.
He leaned forward to touch my ankle, resting his hand on my thigh. My dress rose up as I elevated my ankle on the couch and his hand was resting dangerously close to between my legs. I was wearing leggings, but it wasn't enough to stop the heat from his hand from penetrating through the thin material to my skin. Maybe it was the memories of what his touch used to do for me. I moaned, breathlessly as desire struck me.
"Lily, I haven't even touched it. You're hurt; let me take you to the hospital." Jake said, firmly.
"You are touching me." I breathed.
He looked up at me confused. I looked down at his hand on my thigh. He followed my eyes, and then looked back at me. He stroked my thigh, gently as our eyes met.
Trevor came back into the room, and I pulled away from Jake. My face flushed as I looked at Trevor.
His mouth was set in a tight line as he set the ice on my ankle.
"We can head back to my apartment if you can make it to the car." Trevor said.
Before I could say anything, Jake spoke up.
"She doesn't need to move. She needs to ice it."
"What makes you think you know what she needs?" Trevor asked.
"Any idiot knows she needs to ice it for at least 15 minutes. If the swelling doesn't go down, I'm taking her to the hospital." Jake explained.
"She doesn't want to go to the hospital-" Trevor argued.
"If she needs to, I'm taking her-." Jake said, with finality.
"There you go again, deciding what she needs-"
"Hey!" Mama Smith interrupted them going back and forth. "Lily is grown. She can decide what she wants to do!"
They both turned to look at me. I took a deep breath.
"Will you take me home?" I asked.


  1. Please let it be Trevor. Please please please. I'm soooo over Jake still.

  2. Ugh, me too. It better be Trevor - I can't handle all this back and forth, and I just love Lily and Trevor!

  3. Jake Jake Jake Jake. Oh my gosh. I love their playfulness today...watch it be Brandon she asked for a ride though lol

  4. Agreed - I really hope it's Trevor! Lily doesn't need one small incident with Jake like this to set things off in the wrong direction for her again - Trevor seriously loves and appreciates her, good and bad.

  5. Jake please!!! Let it be jake! I'm sorry i just can't get on team trevor.

    1. OMGosh... I can't either. The natural fun lust that she seems to have for Jake seems to make her happy and playful....

  6. I'm team javern! All 3 haha

  7. Something puts me off about Trevor...can't seem to put my finger on it. That being said I am and have always been team Jake

    1. Probably nothing puts you off you just like jake and that makes you not want to like Trevor

  8. I'm just like Lily, i can't make up my mind!! I love Jake and I wish she would've given him a second chance but I also like Trevor. When I first started reading the blog I was totally team Trevor, they have a lot of chemistry and they get along really well but then Jake came along and there's fireworks between them, and they had some good times too not all was bad. They might've had a two month relationship but they loved each other and those feelings don't just go away that fast. I'm so confused by lily's behavior, but if I had two hotties after me I would probably be in the same boat as her, totally undecided!
    Thank you so much for posting again tonight!
    PS: I just wanted to say that I'm glad we don't have any "trolls" on this blog I feel bad for Arianna (crazyadventuresinny blog) people can be so mean to her sometimes, but I'm glad that doesn't happen here, that's why I love reading the comments here.

  9. The whole 'Gotta find myself' thing is gonna get old really quick.

  10. Team Jake!!! I just don't feel the timing is right for Lily and Trevor.

  11. Oh man I felt the way I felt before reading when she was with Jake, awful. I don't like the idea of her and Jake at all and with last post and this one I feel like youre bringing her back to him. When I read about her and Trevor I smile and get all giddy, when I read about her and Jake I feel sick and mad like go away jake

    1. That's exactly how I feel! He was such a douche and I just can't get over how awful he was. All their interactions together just make my skin crawl.

    2. I agree, go away jake please!!!! .....please

  12. I think it's Amber or someone else who's there and sober.

  13. Ive always liked Jake :)

    Trevor is too safe

  14. Ugh I want it to be Jake but I already know it's gonna be Trevor. Or mama smith. Lmao

  15. Apparently Lily has forgotten all the times Jake tried to change her. Can't she see Trevor loves her for herself?! Argh!

  16. Jake is stil trying to control her and they arent even together. Go away Jake

  17. Really hope she doesn't go back with jake I really like trevor. Jen

  18. Oh my gosh I'm dying to hear more!

  19. Suspense is killing me!

  20. Does anyone else keep refreshing the page hoping for an update. Not that I'm doing that ;-p haha

  21. ^^^^^ Yes I do I can Not wait lol
