Friday, November 14, 2014

Make New Friends

***Mini bonus post. Had a few things that needed to happen before the party. And I credited the Girl Scouts on the song cause that's the history i found, please correct me if I'm wrong.***

"Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other's gold." Make New Friends by Girl Scouts


May 2012

"You need some help?" Ethan asked me, with a sexy smirk as I tried to hook my bra.

"Please." I said, moving back to him on the bed. When I turned around, he hooked my bra in 5 seconds.

"Thank you." I said, flushing as his hands made minimal contact with my bare back.

"Where are you and Rocky going?" He asked.

Rocky just pounded on my door, interrupting our post-sex cuddling, to tell me if we were going shopping, we needed to go now. I untangled myself from Ethan and gathered my clothes. My top was still missing.

"The mall. I need a dress for graduation." I frowned up. Where did he throw my shirt?

"What's wrong?" He asked when I made a face.

"I hate shopping." I complained, still searching the room.

"I thought all women loved shopping. Megan certainly did." Ethan commented, sitting up on the bed. He just pulled on his briefs and pants, which were nicely placed on the floor by the bed.

"Food shopping, yes. Clothes, no. Especially not with Rocky. She hates how I dress and I hate how she dresses me. I have no choice this time cause I need her help." I explained. I really did. This type of event, with my dad especially, always left me insecure about what to wear, how to act and what to say. I couldn't change my personality, but at least I could look the part.

"Think about graduating; walking across that stage and holding that diploma in your hand. The ultimate success-"

I snickered and he stopped to give me a look. He didn't like it when I made fun of him, even though he was getting used to my sense of humor. "Sorry. I wasn't laughing at you. It's just my ultimate success is getting my first paycheck and putting it down on a car."


"Yes." I nodded. I was dead serious. Even though my dad had a dealership, Cam nor I ever had a car when we could drive as teens. My dad told us we had to save $1000 and have straight A's. The money got me, I spent it as soon as I had money. Cam never was a straight A student.

Even today, I drove Cam's car. He bought a new car and I got his older one. I appreciated Cam for it, but I couldn't wait to purchase my own car.

After I explained this to Ethan, he just shook his head.

"What?" I asked.

"No, you just spent a lot of time in school for your ultimate symbol of success to be a car." He remarked.

"Whatever. What is your ultimate symbol for success?" I asked him.

"Being partner." He answered, quickly.

I rolled my eyes. "That's a title. I meant like something tangible. That you can hold and feel. Was it your diploma? First paycheck?"

A smile broke out on his face. "Yeah, my diploma." He said, hiding his smile.

"LIAR! What is it?" I grinned at him.

"I'm not telling."

"Tell me!!!"

"Why? So you can make it a joke?" He asked.

"Promise, I won't." I said, sitting beside him, my shirt forgotten.

"Watching sitcoms growing up, all the successful men on tv had-"

"Really bad suits? Weird Haircuts? This was the 80s and 90s right?" I grinned.

"Briefcases." He answered, ignoring me.

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yes. I envisioned having one. With my name on it and my blueprints inside. My mom bought me one as a kid. I used it as my backpack." He told me.

"I can't make a joke out of that." I started. "I mean, that's sad. Who uses briefcases anymore? Unless you can put a laptop in it, considering everything is electronic..." I laughed.

"You promised." He smiled.

"How did you not get beat up as a kid going to school with a freaking briefcase? I would have called you Mr. Brady... After knocking it out your hands." I giggled.

His response was pulling me on top of him, so I was straddling his lap. He kissed me, turning my laughter into a moan. His fingers quickly unhooked my bra. When his mouth found my nipples, I forgot why I needed to get dressed and wiggled in his lap.

"Lily!!! Let's go!!!" Rocky said, through the door. I froze in Ethan's arm.

"Tell her you'll be right out." Ethan murmured, kissing my neck.

"I'll... be right... out." I sputtered on a moan as Ethan ran his tongue over the sensitive part of my neck. I loved it when he did that.

"Y'all have 15 minutes or Ethan will be taking you shopping!" Rocky responded.

I blushed bright red as Ethan chuckled in my neck. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "I can work with that."


Thursday after work, I rushed home to change out of my work clothes and into jeans and a black long-sleeved top. I had about 30 minutes to get across town to be on time to go shopping. I barely made it on time. I checked my phone and saw Rocky texted me. She told me what entrance she and Amber were at and I parked over there. I found them putting Robbie in a stroller. I greeted them all and grabbed Krista's hand while Rocky took April's.

We walked around the mall together. I knew what I wanted, and didn't try on anything Rocky pointed out for me. I knew she was getting annoyed with me, but we kept looking. We found Krista and April matching dresses and Robbie a cute pants, button down and vest suit. While Amber had the girls try on their dresses, I held Robbie and explained to Rocky why I wanted a maxi dress in black or neutral color.

"Oh, so y'all are besties now?" Rocky arched an eyebrow at me. She was referring to Rachel and the fact she let me borrow her "bridal jewelry".

"I'm trying." I said, thinking about it. There was a time I thought we would be great friends, but then she would close herself off. Anything that wasn't picture perfect, she didn't want me to see. Maybe it was because of Forrest. It was sad, because I really did think she was amazing. Opening up to me wouldn't tarnish that, it would just make us closer. I didn't want her to feel like she had to put on an act with me.

"I want a maxi dress, but preferably in those colors so I can wear the jewelry. The pieces are beautiful."

Rocky, Amber and I ended up finding our dresses at Nordstrom. I found a maxi dress that would match the jewelry Rachel let me borrow. I also found a steel colored cardigan that would tie the silver in the jewelry and silver flats I had at home together perfectly. Rocky's dress was a LBD and Amber picked a pretty wine colored lace dress that matched her kids' clothes.

I went home and I put the dress away in my room, noticing a box on my bed. It was delivered, so that told me Sammy must have been home. I sighed, wondering if she would ever just talk to me. Yeah, I said some really hurtful things, but so had she. I apologized. I really wanted to move forward.

I opened the box and smiled, pulling out a brown leather laptop briefcase with a gold name plate with Ethan's name on it. I ordered it last week and it looked perfect.

Regardless of how Ethan and I started, I was so glad I could call him a friend now. I wished him all the success and happiness in the world. That was the only important thing about the party. I was officially ready for it.

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