Friday, October 17, 2014

Picasso Baby

***Hey Everyone! This is the last post of reader appreciation week. Just wanted to say I don't comment as much, but I read and appreciate every one's feedback. Posting will return as normal next week. So excited about what the next 100 post have in store. Thank you for taking this journey with me. And keep the songs coming! I love the inspiration.***

"Oh what a feeling
Picasso Baby, Ca Picasso baby
Ca ca ca Picasso Baby, Ca ca ca Picasso baby
Oh what a feeling

What's it gonna to take
For me to go
For y'all to see
I'm the modern day Pablo

Picasso baby"-Picasso Baby by Jay Z

I immediately saw Rachel  as I walked into Cafe Brazil. She was sitting down at a table, glancing out the window next to her. She looked the kind of effortlessly beautiful that I tried to accomplish, but I don't think I could pull off the all denim outfit she was wearing. Her thick black hair fell to her shoulders, her make-up was light, highlighting her natural beauty. When she saw my heading her way, she smiled.

I smiled back. That was a good sign. A better sign was when she hugged me when I finally reached her.

"It's been forever. How have you been?" I said as we sat down together.

"Busy! I feel like I have to schedule myself to breathe or I just wouldn't have time for it." Rachel answered.

"Call me crazy, but that actually sounds amazing right now." When she raised her eyebrows at me, I continued. "That's how I deal with breakups."

"Ohh, makes sense. How are you doing? I know you really liked Jake."

"I do... did. It varies day to day, but it's getting better." I explained, hoping that made sense and I didn't sound like a love sick crazy person.

Rachel nodded, so I figured she got it.

A waitress came over and took our drink orders.

"Did you wanna eat?" I asked.

"No. I'm meeting Forrest after this. I just had some time to kill." She answered.

"What brings you this way?" I asked.

"Wedding stationery." She explained.

"Like invitations?" I said, interested.

"No. Those were picked out months ago." She said, with a rueful smile. The waitress returned with our drinks. After telling her we were ok for now, Rachel turned to me."Forrest showed me the text you sent him."

I nodded, stirring my coffee. She kinda studied me for a moment. It was unnerving. I thought about the text I sent him....

...And felt like an idiot. What if she took it the wrong way? What if he took it the wrong way? Urgh, why didn't I put the song title? I just got so caught up in the lyrics, and what I wished a guy would feel about me, I just sent them. It didn't even cross my mind that it might be misconstrued. No wonder she wanted to talk to me. I would be ready to throttle a girl who sent something like that to my fiancee.

I felt my cheeks flushed. "Rachel, it's just hitting me how that message could have come across. They're SONG lyrics..."

"I know. John Legend. 'All of Me' I have to admit when I first saw the text, I was thinking exactly what you're thinking. Forrest explained it to me. And I love the song for our wedding and amazingly, my mom loved it too. It's modern but classic enough that she actually knows it. It's the first thing everyone agreed on." Rachel explained.

I sighed, relieved and gave her a smile. "I'm glad I could help."

She looked uneasy now. "Did Forrest tell you we argued about the music?"

I grinned. "He told me you were one song away from relieving him off his duties."

She frowned. "It's so hard. I never imagined planning would be this stressful. I have to be the in the middle of my parents and Forrest and play peace keeper. I just wanna be married, but my parents are driving me crazy. Then I have to consider Forrest. I know my parents won't approve of things, so I have to shut him down. I turned into a raging bridezilla!"

"Rachel, it's your wedding. Well, yours and Forrest's wedding. It's what y'all want, and I know Forrest wants to be involved in the planning."

"I know, but I'm their only child. After this, I start my life with Forrest. I'm letting them have the wedding. I want the marriage." She explained.

I nodded. That was sweet. She needed to explain that to Forrest, but what did that have to do with me?

"Forrest was so excited when he told me about the song. Normally, he doesn't even like discussing wedding stuff with me because it ends up in an argument. So I was hoping, you could do me a huge favor and be... a coordinator for the wedding." She began.

"I've never been in a wedding. I have no idea what that is." I joked, smiling nervously.

"It's just for the planning. I'll let Forrest have more responsibilities. I'll let you know what's acceptable and you can help him-"

"You mean spy on him?" I interjected, not liking where this was going.

"Not at all." She shook her head. "You two already talk about the wedding. You apparently give suggestions in a way that doesn't offend him. I just don't have the time nor the patience for it right now. We're 8 months away, and I'm already feeling stressed out. You don't know how much this would help me."

I normally would agree, not thinking about the consequences, just to help out. That kinda thinking got me nowhere...

"Let me think about it. I'll let you when I've decided." I replied.

Rachel nodded, and we finished our coffee.

I went home to Sammy lounging on the couch, eating left over chips Trevor brought over. I thought about our healthier lifestyle as I flopped down beside her.

"Where have you been?"

"Coffee with Rachel." I said, leaning over to show her the texts. First the one I sent Forrest. Next, the one Rachel sent me.

"Really Lily? Did she throw her coffee at you?" Sammy laughed.

"Not exactly."

"What did she say?" Sammy asked, excitedly.

"Come for a run with me and I'll tell you." I teased, getting up to go change in my room. She moaned and groaned and complained, but she did exercise with me. We jogged to the park together. I found an isolated park bench and instructed her through some toning exercise. She was more concerned with taking selfies of herself. I smiled and gave up for the day.

We sat on the park bench and I explained Rachel's proposition.

Sammy was shaking her head when I finished. "That bitch is a genius!"

"What do you mean?" I said, confused.

"Of course she thinks something is going on! Either it has happened or one of you want it to happen. She probably thinks you because you're sending love song text to him."

"For their wedding!!! Forrest told her that."

"After she saw the text or did he show it to her?" Sammy interrogated me.

Oh fuck. I had no idea...

"But if she thought that, she would just confront me."

"No she wouldn't. That would make her look insecure and jealous. No girl wants to come off like that, especially before she gets married." Sammy countered.

True enough...

"Ok. Still doesn't explain why she would want me to be a part of the planning. That's just stupid."

"No it's not. It's genius. If you don't do it, you come off looking bad. Like you don't wanna help because you're jealous or you have feelings for him."

"But if I do it, I get to PLAN HER WEDDING. If something was going on, why would she want that?" I said, confused.

"Stop thinking basic!!! Girls like that don't think like us!!! She's from money and uppity. She was probably raised that emotions are for the weak and poor." Sammy continued.

I couldn't argue with that. My dad was that way. He didn't come from money, but as a successful business man, he was shrewd and emotionless.  He made the best judgement calls; feelings never played a part in his decisions. That should have been the first sign I wasn't his daughter. I lived off emotions. They ruled me. I made horrible judgement calls because of my feelings.

"Ok..." I agreed.

"So she's not going to confront you or make a scene. She's gonna make you out yourself. If you do have feelings and try to sabotage the wedding, you're showing your intentions. If he has feelings, not for much longer, cause now you get to be the bitch telling him his ideas suck."

I frowned as I thought about it.

"What if I told Forrest?" I asked.

"She can easily spin it like you're paranoid or crazy." Sammy said. "Girls like her don't fight like us. It's like... an art form to them and she is a fucking Michelangelo. She's drawing pictures everywhere! She just drew the fucking Sistine Chapel over your head! " Sammy declared, excitedly.

I smiled. "And I'm painting by numbers?"

"Girl, you don't even have watercolors! You're like a 4 year old with crayons: fucked up!"

I laughed. "C'mon. We can have sushi if we run home!" I challenged her.

She scoffed. "I'll walk for sushi. Run for pizza."

I shrugged. "Jog for Subway?"

Sammy smiled. "You're on."

We took off for home.

After work on Thursday, I finally messaged Rocky. She was babysitting EJ after school and I was anxious for him to try out his drums. I also figured it was time to clear the air with Rocky. She texted me back, saying they would head over after EJ finished his homework.

Around 5, they finally showed up. EJ was thrilled with the drum set. I recorded a video of him experimenting before Rocky and I left him in the den for the quiet of the living room.

"Long time no see or talk. How have you been?" Rocky asked.

"Pretty shitty. I ended things with Jake, for good. Seeing him last week at the house was hard," I started accusing, "but it made me realize I needed to make up my mind.

"I don't know about that. I would rather you take your time and came up with the best decision then rush into anything. That's why I was so pissed Brandon set y'all up like that." Rocky said.


Rocky nodded. "He feels so guilty."

"Why? He never wanted us together. He should feel proud." I said, bitterly.

"He's not. He sees two people he cares about hurting. That's why he is trying so hard to get you two back together."

"I'm sorry. I thought you set me up."  I sighed.

"I figured." Rocky said. "It's ok. I know you're going through a rough time."

I nodded. "Yeah, but Jake and I fucked up our relationship. Brandon has nothing to feel guilty about, but don't tell him that. Let's wait till after the fair. Maybe we can get a corn dog out of his guilt." I grinned.

"Corn dog? That's child's play. I want a turkey leg." Rocky smiled too.

We sat and caught up. I filled her in on the Forrest and Rachel situation. She was laughing as I explained Sammy's Michelangelo interpretation of the situation.

"That girl is special..." Rocky laughed. "You already know what I think you should do. Confront them. Put it all on the table if you feel like it is a trust or jealousy issue."

"I don't know. I don't wanna make an issue if there's not one." I commented.

"Obviously there's something there if she was bothered by that text. Everyone knows that song. Granted, a little weird seeing the text out of context, but she's about to marry this guy. They should be way more solid than that. You can't create an issue unless it was already there." Rocky countered.

She was right and just confirmed what I already wanted to do. I called Forrest right then and there.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Forrest. Before I talk to Rachel, I just wanted you to know I'm going to be the best wedding coordinator ever!" I said, excitedly.

"What is that?" He said, confused. Hmm, so she didn't tell Forrest. Interesting...

I explained it just like Rachel explained it to me. I stressed how Rachel just wanted the marriage but felt like she was stuck in the middle, being pulled apart because of the wedding planning.

"Geez, I always thought she just hated my ideas. I didn't know she felt like that." Forrest said, sighing.

"That's why this is a perfect solution. I was unlucky enough to grow up with people like her parents. If you let me help, I think we can come up with ideas you want, but they will approve of. Then Rachel won't be stressed out." I said.

"Ok. Welcome aboard coordinator!" Forrest said, cheerfully.

I smiled. "Best part of the deal, I'm just charging corn dogs. So I'll see you at the fair for my payment Saturday?"

"You know it. I throw in a funnel cake beer just because I like you." Forrest added.

"Sounds disgustingly awesome!" I said, before disconnecting.

Rocky nodded approvingly. "I think you just graduated art school."

I grinned as I texted Rachel the news. "Just call me Picasso baby!"


  1. Im confused.. So sammy is right? Rachel really thinks something is up between Lily and Forrest? And Rocky agreed with her..? So why did she say that girl is special? Someone please explain :)

    Also Thanks soooo much for this week's posts!! its been a real treat expecting a post everyday :D
    Now that we got used to being spoiled, you'll probably hear us whine for Bobus posts every other day ;)

    1. I edited the conversation a bit so it's clearly. It's a little open ended right now only because they don't know Rachel that well. So all Lily has are theories and ideas.

      And Rocky meant Sammy was special as far as her special way of reading situations. Time will tell if Sammy is right :-)

    2. Thanks Janay!! makes sense now :D

      And thx again for all the bobus posts!! ;D

  2. Bobus ... clearly i meant BoNus !!

    1. in all honesty, bobus posts sound WAY more entertaining :)

  3. Sammy lives off drama, probably the worst person to get her take on it. She'd cat fight anybody.

  4. I think Sammy is an idiot and causes lots of unncessary trouble/drama for Lily

  5. I think Sammy is very jealous and spiteful of lily, and she tries to bring her to her catty level because she's so nice and trusting.


  6. Sammy has some major issues. She's so full of drama. Everything that happens has to be spun into some kind of ridiculous drama. She's a toxic friend. I completely understand talking to your friends about things and getting a different perspective but none of the advice she gives is helpful. It all serves to create doubt and increase drama.

  7. Ugh..I need you to post every day ok you're not supposed to have a life haha

  8. I spent an obscene amount of time reading this from the beginning today. Obsessed.

  9. I don't think Rachel thinks they are cheating or anything. I think she really is super stressed out, and when lily sent the lyrics and for once everyone liked it she jumped on it. She's tired, stressed and needs help. I really don't see this being the issue Sammy has made it appear


    1. I don't know. ..I'm on the fence, in one way I don't think I've ever heard of a woman who would want another woman especially pretty, regardless of how comfortable you are or Un threatened in your relationship. Also lily hasn't known them that long, I'm not sure I think she plotting something but I do think that text was a little too much with him having a fiance so until lily explained it would seem weird...
