Monday, October 6, 2014

Like a Fool

***Sorry it's later than normal. Had too much fun watching the Cowboys beat the Texans yesterday. I proofread quickly this morning, and will be editing throughout the day. Please excuse the mistakes. If I see them, I will fix them!***

"We finally find this then you're gone
Been chasin' rainbows all along
And you have cursed me when there's no one left to blame
And I have loved you just the same
And you have broken every single fucking rule
And I have loved you like a fool" -Like a Fool by Keira Knightley 

I ignored my phone ringing as I drove home from Jake's dad's house. I knew by now Stephanie told Jake I was there and left. I wasn't ready to talk to him. I was too pissed and afraid. I was scared if I did speak to him, I would cave and go back. So I figured I would put my phone on silent and ignore it for the evening.

I didn't want to be home if Jake decided to confront me about leaving, so I went for a run to clear my mind after I got home and changed.

I didn't need to worry about Jake trying to confront me. The call on the way home was the only thing I received from him. Jasmine tried to call, text and Facebook message me. By Wednesday morning, I was upset and disappointed that he didn't try harder to get in touch with me, but not really surprised. He was probably punishing me and waiting for me to grovel at his feet. God knows I've done it before.

I pushed away my feelings of hurt and let it fuel my anger. I was done with Jake. If there was any doubt, his lack of concern just confirmed everything Omar said. He couldn't even be bothered to figure out why I left. Part of me understood that it was his birthday, and maybe it was unrealistic to believe he would come after me, but I knew without a doubt I would have for him. That made me feel like a fucking fool.

Thinking of how I chased after, pleaded with and cried over him made me feel even more pathetic. I was one of those girls I made fun of, who put up with bullshit for a guy and the promise of love. I tried so fucking hard to keep him happy and be the perfect girlfriend. If he truly did love me, would I have needed to try so hard? At this point, I wasn't even sure if Jake had really loved me, but even if he did, it wasn't worth it.

I couldn't think about how easily I was willing to change for him, so I focused on my anger. I didn't want to see the birthday pictures he was tagged in or anything about him, so I blocked him from my news feed. Then I changed my relationship status to single.

I knew after I did that, it would be over. I also knew I was being immature and petty, but oh fucking well. I thought it was perfect. He asked me out on Facebook (which I was now seeing as a controlling move). Why not end it that way too?

I went to work Wednesday and worked my hectic schedule. I was grateful to be so busy. I had no time to think about Jake. I noticed the humor that I was busy because I was trying to get to Jake's birthday party, which led to us breaking up, and me needing the distraction. Or maybe I was just trying to smile to keep from crying. Who knows? I certainly didn't. Nor was I trying to wonder about it or Jake at all.

Jordan asked me what was going on when she came to see me on her lunch. She noticed the change of my status on Facebook. I just told her we weren't working out.

"You broke up with him on his birthday?" Jordan asked, surprised.

I shrugged. "He still got a present." I said, lightly, trying to pretend it was no big deal.

The watch was another reason I felt fucking stupid. I had "I want you to be mine." engraved on the watch, as homage to our first date and the first night we spent together. I remembered how sweet the words were and how special they made me feel. I wanted him to feel the same. Now the watch was just a expensive reminder of how desperate I was to believe those words were genuine, even though he lied about what he said. I knew guys would say anything to guarantee them some ass. Why did I fall for that?

Jordan gave me a disapproving look.

"Technically I broke up with him today if that makes you feel better." I added.

Jordan nodded. "If that's what you want."

"It is." I said, convincingly, trying to convince her and reassure myself.

A quick glance at my phone as I left the clinic let me know the Facebook thing probably wasn't the best idea. I had texts from almost everyone on my contact list asking what was going on. I didn't reply to any of them. I just threw my phone in my purse and drove home.

I was so deep in my thoughts about what I was going to tell everyone about the break up, I didn't even notice Jake's SUV parked outside in the parking lot. I tried so hard to keep it together as we talked, but when he tried to grab me, with the hand that was wearing the watch, I snapped. The watch just reminded me how easily I was fooled by him and I didn't need him touching me and making me forget that.

After our confrontation, I raced into my townhome. I shut the door and took a deep breath, willing the tears to go away. I couldn't think about how upset he looked or how he pleaded with me. I thought about every time he ignored, embarrassed, controlled or manipulated me. My tears dried up as I leaned against the door.  I pulled out my phone and sent a group text to everyone who texted me about the break up.

It read:

Me: Hey. No drama. It just wasn't working out. I'm fine.

I sent another message to Jasmine. Only because she'd been trying to reach out to me the most. I felt like she tried to warn me to press the issue about his ex. I appreciated her and even though Jake and I were done, I wanted her to know that.

Me: Jake and I broke up. Thank you for all your help. We tried, it just didn't work.

She wrote back right away.

Jasmine: I figured. Is there any way you can give him another chance? He doesn't even know what he did. You should talk to him instead of running away.

I sighed. Texting her was starting to feel like a huge mistake.

Me: I did talk to him. I don't see us being together so there's no point in another chance.

Jasmine: ok Lily. Good luck with everything.

Me: You too.

As I changed into my workout clothes, I was a little disheartened by Jasmine's reply. I understood it. How awkward would it be if we remained friends when I couldn't even be in the same room with her brother, but it still was upsetting. I put on my headphones and went for run.


The rest of the week, I continued to feed of my anger. Not sure who said it, but it's been said the best revenge was living well. So that's what I was going to do. I focused on bettering myself. I worked hard at work, going above and beyond with my patients and co-workers. I even volunteered to come in the clinic Saturday so Sandra could take her kids to the fair. I suggested it to her when I asked her how she liked Dallas so far. She replied that they haven't had much time to explore while things were still crazy at the clinic and her new house. She was so thankful when I told her I would come into the clinic, even though I was just on call.

I went home everyday day, jogged to the grocery store, and picked up ingredients for dinner. I tried new recipes that my aunt had sent me and interesting finds on Pinterest. Another benefit of staying busy was not having time to think about Jake. The only time I thought about him was at night.

I broke down and listened to the voicemails and read the texts he sent. They all said the same thing. That he needed to talk to me so he could explain everything. That he missed me. He left me a long message telling me how sorry he was and how much he loved me. That's what finally encouraged me to download a block number app.

Friday night, Sammy and I went shopping together. She was chatting about a gig she was working this weekend at a rooftop bar. She tried to broach the "Jake" subject numerous time all week, but I cut her off. I didn't wanna talk about him. At all. I followed her around, trying on stuff but buying nothing. She informed me she had plans and we headed back to the apartment. I wasn't complaining. I had to be at work in the morning anyway.

Saturday morning, I was alone at the clinic. I logged on Facebook. Like a moth drawn to a flame, I checked out Jake's page. Nothing recent but birthday wishes. I did something I never did: searched his friend's list. I typed in Cara. A girl popped up, but she wasn't in Georgia. And didn't look related to Criscelle or have pictures of a baby, so I ruled her out.

I went on Jasmine page and search too. Nothing. I wished I knew her last name. I know I didn't care about Cara while Jake and I were dating, but after what I heard from Omar, I was insanely curious about her. I wanted to know what she looked like, what she did, if we had anything in common, besides Jake. Urgh, I shouldn't care, but I did. I knew it wouldn't change anything, but I still wanted to know.

"Mornin!"Quintin greeted as he came into the office.

"Hey, good morning." I said, after I looked up and snuck my phone back in my purse.

"Where's Sandra?" He asked.

"I'm Sandra today. I told her I would watch over the clinic so she could take her kids to the fair." I informed him.

He nodded. "Nice. I have an appointment in an hour. I'm gonna get a work out in before my patient gets here."

"Cool." I smiled.

"The new guy should be here too. I told him he could shadow me." Quintin added

"I thought we weren't shadowing anymore." I said, confused.

Quintin rolled his eyes. "This kid just got licensed. It's his first job ever. He needs to shadow."

I nodded, understandably.

My Saturday at the clinic was long and boring. I did meet Kendall, the new guy. I was looking forward to food and my bed when I got home. I was surprised instead by Rocky, Sammy and Trevor all in the den.

"Hey..." I said, worriedly. I knew they weren't there just because they were in the neighborhood. "What's up?"

"You are. I called them here because you need to snap out of it. You're like a cold, emotionless freaking robot and I can't handle it." Sammy started.

"Contrary to popular belief, I don't need to be handled." I replied. "And if I remember correctly, you couldn't handle it when I was upset about Ethan. I would think you would be glad I'm a robot." I reminded her.

"Yeah, that's why I called them. Good luck." Sammy said, before grabbing her Honey B outfit and leaving.

Trevor motioned me to the couch. I stood, defiantly.

"Do you wanna talk?" Rocky asked, watching me concerned.

"No. So will you leave?" I asked.

"You need to talk. If you did, we would have been able to help you." Trevor said.

I stood there, silent.

"Who broke up with who?" Rocky asked.

I stayed silent.

"Why did y'all break up? And not the generic stuff you sent before. What happened?" Trevor questioned next.


"Well fine, I'll talk. I'm not upset that you two broke up. It was a long time coming." Rocky commented and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"You don't think I know that? Do you really think I wanna hear I told you so? I get it. I was an idiot. Everyone saw it but me. Is that what you wanna hear? You were fucking right Rocky. Are you happy?" I said, tears streaming down my face.

Trevor got up to lead me to the couch next to Rocky. He sat on the other side of Rocky. I put my head down.

"Ready to talk now?" Rocky asked.

"I was so desperate and needy and just... foolish. I fell for everything. I listened to everything he said. It was all a lie." I cried.

"What happened?" Trevor asked firmly.

I explained to them what I heard Omar and Jake saying about me.

"So I'm just a do over from the girl that put him through hell. I'm sure it was therapeutic for him putting me through hell. I never even questioned what he told me. What the fuck is wrong with me?" I asked dejectedly.

"There's nothing wrong with you. He took advantage of you." Trevor reassured me.

 Rocky said nothing. Her silence said more to me than anything anyone could say. There was something wrong with me. Naivety was probably the first thing.

"You need to confront him and get him to admit the truth." Rocky recommended.

"No, I don't. Besides, I tried. I asked him about her. He had nothing to say. Nothing! Now, after he has had time to think about it, he wants to talk. I don't want to talk to him. I just want him out my life!" I proclaimed.

"I've been where you are. With Bilal. And it doesn't work like that." Rocky told me.

"As soon as you talk to Bilal, I'll talk to Jake." I countered. She had nothing to say to that.

"Next time y'all stage an intervention, can you bring snacks? This was very half assed." I joked, trying to ease some tension.

Trevor smiled at me. "I figured you'd have that covered. Want me to go pick something up?"

"No. I have the ingredients for broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole. You're welcomed to stay. If we can move on to a more pleasant topic, like the Ebola outbreak in Dallas." I said, standing up to head to my room.

Trevor laughed while Rocky shook her head.

After a quick shower, I went downstairs and we made dinner together. Well, Rocky and I did, fussing over our respective family recipes. Trevor got placed on salad duty. The salad took him as long to make as the casserole. We took our plates and glasses of white wine and ate in front of the TV. We put on "This is the End". It seemed appropriate considering all the panic doomsday talk and Seth Rogen had the ability to make me smile no matter what. James Franco was a nice little bonus too.

Rocky left around 9pm. I saw her and Trevor exchanged looks before she left. I wasn't even concerned about them. They were probably making sure I didn't lose it, but I was ok.

We watched "The Neighbors" next. Trevor saw it at the movie theater, but I hadn't seen it yet.

"Stop it!" I demanded, laughing at a funny scene in the movie.

"What?" He asked, laughing too.

"Every time something funny is about to happen, you look over at me. So I know something is coming." I smiled at him.

"You're supposed to be watching the movie not me."

"It's called peripheral vision Trevor. As a ninja, I'm always on high alert." I kidded with him.

"Oh, so you already know what you're gonna be for Halloween?" He smiled.

I laughed. "I don't know. You think Amber is having a party this year?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." Trevor answered.

Amber loved Halloween. She invited everyone over for a party. It normally had a theme and her family always coordinate costumes. I was so excited to see what she would do this year.

"We should push for a frat house themed party. Like old school frats. Hazing can be party games." I grinned at Trevor after the movie ended.

Trevor nodded. "Yes! Let's do it! Even if it's for our birthday instead."

Trevor's and my birthday are a week apart. We always celebrated together. Sadness hit me as I remembered just a week ago, Jake and I were planning our second vacation. I got pissed all over again thinking about how stupid I was.

"Lily? What's wrong?" Trevor asked.

I shook my head. I had to watch my thoughts around Trevor. He had the ability to read my expressions and moods.

"Nothing. How cute would the girls look in togas? And Robbie with a beer can hat?" I smiled.

"Hilarious, but we both know Will would never go for that."

"He sucks. Maybe we can not invite him." I pondered.

Trevor laughed at me. "Good luck with that."

I laughed. I was so glad Trevor ambushed me with Rocky. It was just easy with him. He automatically made me feel better.


  1. Ugh. Don't want her with Trevor...wish she'd at least clear the air with Jake...I want them to work out :(

    1. I agree with you!!

    2. This never implied her with trevor. He was there as a friend and so was rocky, they didn't bash jake or trevor didn't try to make a move they were just there for her as friends. How could you want someone in an unhealthy relationship.

  2. I don't know how I feel about this. Maybe it's because she's on the anger stage of the break up and she blaming it all on him. But I feel like she's being so immature! Yes he kept something big from her so I agree she needs to make him grovel. But she's not willing to listen to him at all! And what's with Rocky saying that the break up was coming? They both need to take responsibility for what was wrong in the relationship. I hope after she cools down they can talk things out.
    And don't do anything with Trevor! Not only because I don't like him, but remember the promise to Sammy!
    Can't wait to find out what's going on with Sammy, someone said maybe she's an escort, I was thinking she's hooking up with her boss. We'll see...

    1. can you be anymore team Jake. I mean you defend all his actions and constantly criticize anything lily doea.

    2. Lily is immature at the moment, but you know what? anyone would be in this situation. He just tore her heart out after putting her through the ringer since they started dating. Yes, she was flirty, but I really don't think that warranted everything he did. He lied, manipulated and changed her into what he wanted her to be because he was going to be the one to come out clean this time around. He needs to back off. Yea sure, fight for her, but give her space. You know you fucked up. Give her time to be mad dude. Seriously, she deserves that much.


    3. Totally agree with anon 10:48 jake isn't a good boyfriend period. He has been the most immature person in the relationship. As for trevor he's been nicer then jake any day even knew when to apologize unlike jake, but that's beside the point this post wasn't trying to make her with trevor, they have a long time friendship and he was there for her as a friend so was rocky. I agree with lily in the fact that she needs to keep distance right now otherwise she'll let him weasel her back. Just hoping jake doesn't do some stupid big romantic thing then lily make him say everything and she goes back to him saying he better be good and pretend nothing happened

  3. How did he make her change? I agree he wa only thinking of himself when he made her open up about Ethan and he didn't come clean about Cara, that was not fair at all! Throughout the relationship she made some mistakes too, and not only being flirty with others, but not standing up for herself. Like at the festival when he asked to see her phone, she just gave it to him, I would've been like heck no, and when he wanted to leave, I would've said "ok, bye". It takes two to tango, people push and push and they'll keep pushing until the find resistance, she didn't show resistance. Yes he's a man, and he shouldn't do that, but I still don't feel that he's manipulative and abusive. His behavior is that of an insecure man, and sometimes Lily's flirty behavior gave him reason. I would not be so touchy with my ex in front of my bf, or allow a man to talk about motorboating me on Facebook!
    She gets mad at him for not coming after her, as far as he knew nothing was wrong with them, they were great that morning and then she just doesn't show up to his bday party. We as women do it a lot, we expect our man to read our minds, guess what? They can't! If we want something we need to tell them!
    And yes, I am #teamjake but also #teamlily and I like her and I like that janay wrote such a real character that has flaws just like the rest of us!

    1. Where do i start? Lily was no longer thinking for herself and doing what she liked. Case in point her texting Jake to seemingly get permission to go with Malik to the csi thing because she was unsure of protocol. Her clothing, the heels. .. She did that because it's what make liked. Always taking the blame and not defending herself. Just because make didn't physically harm lily doesn't mean he wasn't mentally abusive. Everyone has a past so using Cara as an excuse is childish. Lily had taken the blame and apologized for her actions. When has Jake been forthcoming and honest. Using Lily's indiscretions and mistakes to justify Jakes behavior is sad. Lily does not owe Jake anything and deserves a man that loves and respects her just as she is. A real man who loves a woman wouldn't put up with his friends taking shit about her.

    2. I agree with Luita! 100% keep in mind this is Lily's first relationship so of course she's going to try & cater to her man & not take a stand when necessary because she probably figures that's what people do. Now that she's realized how her bahavior was off the mark & Jake had a "coming to Jesus" moment after the talk with Brandon I think they should try again. They're both more mature because of the mistakes they made in the relationship. & I never found Jake abusive, I simply found that Lily was very passive so his behaviour seemed so muh more worse than it actually was.

    3. I disagree with luita 100% (don't take personal I like that we can disagree and discuss). This being her first relationship or being a passive person shouldn't give jake an excuse to be so manipulative he took advantage. If I were lily I would be so hurt, it's like he used what she confided in about everything her dad and the miscarriage. He knew she was a vulnerable person who never had a boyfriend so he played the jealous possessive (don't forget demanding remember the give me your phone let's leave now bull crap) boyfriend knowing she was to insecure to stand up for herself. Yeah she played flirty and he should have, like an adult, told her that wasn't cool. Instead he threw fits and made her go running after him. Seriously though this relationship shouldn't be so toxic and so much work in the first place, I get relationships are work but there were way to in the honeymoon stage they shouldn't have had so many problems.

    4. I have to agree with Luita (Pretty Name BTW). I think both Jake and Lily have some growing up to do.... I don't think either of them expressed their feelings very well. Jake should have been honest, and Lily should have shared how some of his actions hurt her. I think this all goes to maturity and one's personal wants/needs from a relationship.

      I would love to see a BIG gesture from Jake to get Lily's attention, so they can sit and talk, hopefully they can work it out... If not, I look forward to reading how Lily will grow from this experience and take what she "learned" to her next one.


  4. I most definitely am not condoning Jake's behavior but I feel like Lily made herself the doormat. Jake never forced her to wear heels or the outfits he picked out. She has allowed the people around her to have way more weight in her decisions than they should ever have. I'm glad she's starting to stand up for herself, FINALLY!! I can understand not wanting to make a scene, but you can stand up for yourself without acting bat shit crazy. I wanted to shake her when she handed him her phone to read her texts. They both have things to work on before entering into another relationship with anyone.

    1. I don't really think she let her friends dictate anything, she even said things like jake told her not to listen to sammy. We only know how her friends feel because we read from their pov

    2. Her friends have an opinion on everything in her life. Not just relationships. When Lily does something they don't agree with, they name call and bash her both to her face and behind her back.

    3. I agree. I feel as though she can never fully form an opinion without someone else's input & it's been expressed before that they're used to controlling her since college...she really needs to stand up for herself amongst her friends as well...& not let their opinion for everything hold so much weight!

  5. I love the different view points on this blog, but I especially love that people can disagree without being rude to one another!!!

    1. Me too, we are all very heated about who we like and don't but it's no offense against anyone else

  6. Did you remove a new post? Or am I seeing things???

    1. You're not losing it. I saw it too.

  7. Oh good. I'm not the only one who saw it
