Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Yes, please
Won't you come and put it down on me
I'm right here, 'cause I need
Little love and little sympathy
Yeah you show me good loving
Make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life"- Sugar by Maroon 5

I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders with everything being out in the open with Jake. We spent the night at my apartment after our late night of drinks and conversation. Saturday morning, it was still cool and drizzling. I tried to talk him into going on a run with me, but Jake wanted to follow his routine and go to the gym. So we went our separate ways. He told me he would pick me up later that night. Omar had purchased the Mayweather fight, so he was having a watching party at his house.

I put on some sweats and ran to the local park. I listened to Maroon 5's new album as I jogged around the park. On my run, Rocky called me. She asked me if I got my itinerary for Vegas. When I confirmed I did, she told me she was going shopping and asked if I wanted to join her. I agreed and told her to give me an hour.

I ran home, showered and changed into black leggings and a long blue flannel blouse. I blew out my hair and put on a little make-up. I was finishing up my gloss when my phone rang. It was Rocky, informing me she was outside. I pulled on a pair of uggs and grabbed my purse to meet her.

"Hey! How are you liking this weather?" I smiled at Rocky, clicking on my seat belt.

"Apparently not as much as you. How long have you been waiting to wear those ugly boots?" Rocky asked, looking at my shoes in disdain.

I laughed. "Good morning to you too bitch."

Rocky smiled.

As we drove to the mall, Rocky asked me about my night.

"Looks like y'all had fun at dinner." Rocky commented about the pictures I posted online.

"Yeah. Kinda sad, but it was really nice. I'm so glad Jake went with me. It was so nice having a plus one that wasn't my brother, or Trevor, or you." I answered. "No offense."

"None taken...except the food looked really good."

"Ohmigosh, it was. Fried alligator is my new favorite." I smiled.

When we got to the mall, we browsed shop to shop. She filled me in on her plans for Vegas. This was all of Brandon's vacation time from work, so it was the last trip they would be able to go on this year. Rocky knew more about the plans then I did because she was flying out with the rest of  them Thursday. She asked me why I couldn't get those days off.

I was browsing through a rack of cocktail dresses when I looked up to answer her.

"I probably could have. I mean, I wouldn't want to ask with my new supervisor now, but I would have requested those days with Derek. Jake just assumed I was only going to be able to stay the weekend." I explained.

"Why would he do that?" Rocky said, making a face.

"Good question." I said. "I think he was trying to plan everything for us. I just wished he would have asked, but it's kinda too late for that."

Rocky just kept looking through the clothes.

"What is it Rocky?" I asked.


"No. Go ahead. I want your opinion." I smiled.

"I just think that's fucked up. If he wanted that extra time without you, he should've just said something. Not make it seem like it was in your best interest." She answered.

"He didn't. He just has a tendency to wanna do things for me. Like paying for everything, even though it's his birthday." I replied.

"I hope so."

"I know so. We're completely honest with each other. To a fault sometimes. But it works cause were working through our issues." I explained.

Rocky frowned at that.

"What?" I asked.

"No, that's good. Brandon and I should try that." Rocky commented.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's like he's trying to pick fights with me. I see it so I'm not engaging, but it's not helping." Rocky explained.

"Yeah, I must admit, he has been a little..." I stopped to think about the right definition of his attitude.

"Prickly?" Rocky supplied.

"I was gonna say asshole like, but that works." I nodded.

"I'm just hoping this vacation will help him relax and refresh so he can calm down."

She stopped to stare at the dress I was holding. It was a sequin gold mini dress with a extremely low neckline.

"No." She said, shaking her head.

I ignored her and kept looking. We took our picks to the dressing room. She was completely right about the dress. It was too much and not enough all at the same time.

"Yep, that's Vegas. Circa 2000's prostitute."

I laughed and snapped a picture of myself in the dress with a huge grin on my face. I sent it to Jake. I captioned it:

Me: Rocky said I looked like a prostitute. Vegas here we come!

Jake texted me back as we were leaving the mall empty handed. We didn't find anything we loved.

Jake: No Cariño. You're not wearing that out. You can wear it for me. We can role play if you wanna dress like a prostitute...

Me: LOL. I didn't buy it. But how much would you be willing to pay? :-)

Jake: I'd write you a blank imaginary cheek.

Me: Cash only. I'm not stupid : -P

Jake: What are you planning to do with that tongue?

Me: Perv!!!....but whatever you like if the price is right!

When Rocky dropped me off, I went ahead and packed an overnight bag so when Jake came to pick me up, I would be ready. I made sure to pack a few sexier options if we did actually role play later on.

 I threw my bag downstairs before heading to Sammy's room. I knocked on her door. When I got no answer, I knocked harder and called her name,

"I'm downstairs!!!" Sammy yelled.

I went downstairs and into the living room. She was painting her toe nails.

"So, how was the date?" I asked her.

"It was fun. We went to a food truck festival in Dallas."

"Aww, that's sounds fun." I said.

"It was."

"So do you like him?" I probed.

"Yeah, he's cool."

"I feel like there's a but coming."

"No buts. I'm just getting to know him. That's all."

"So no sex?"

"No. I don't have sex with everyone." She shot me a glance.

"I didn't say you did. Just asked." I shrugged.

My phone rang. I looked at my phone. It was Jake.

"Hey." I answered, cheerfully.

"Lily, can you call Rocky and see if you can get a ride with them? I'm gonna make a run to McKinney with Omar." Jake asked.

I took a deep breath. "Sure..."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I was just with Rocky. If you would have told me earlier, I would have just stayed with her."

"Just get them to pick you up. It's on the way."

"Well let me let you go so I can call them before they leave." I said.

"Ok." He hung up.

I texted Rocky. I didn't trust my voice not to betray my disappointment.

Me- Can y'all pick me up?

Rocky- Sure. We'll head out in a few.

By the time they arrived, I was ok. It really wasn't a big deal. No point of him making two trips. I wish he would have told me earlier when I was with Rocky, but it was whatever. If Brandon and Rocky didn't mind, neither would I.

It was a quiet drive to Omar's house. Rocky and Brandon talked every once in a while, but mostly the sounds from the radio filled the silence. I used that opportunity to wire my cousin Bianca some money. She never asked, but she posted on Facebook that she was spending the weekend at home so she could wash clothes. I knew she wouldn't do that unless her money was tight. I waited till I knew she was at home, so she could spend some time with her mom., then I transferred $500 to her bank account.

When we got to Omar's and Kelly's house, Omar and Jake hadn't made it back yet. Kelly greeted us warmly, and we joined everyone in the living room. Kelly introduced me as Jake's girlfriend and Rocky and I joined her in the kitchen to get drinks.

"I know Omar and Jake are bringing back whiskey. So I suggested we figure out designated drivers and/or sleeping arrangements." Kelly told us, as she poured us glasses of wine. Rocky and I both thanked her.

"I'm staying away from hard liquor. So we're ok." Rocky answered, as she retrieved a beer for Brandon.

She left us to go give it to him.

"Is it Jose's moonshine?" I asked Kelly.

She grinned and nodded.

"I volunteer to be designated driver, just so I have a reason not to drink again." I joked.

She smiled at me. "Definitely not for the faint of heart."

I laughed and sipped my wine.

"What's not for the faint of heart?" Omar asked as he joined us in the kitchen.

He greeted Kelly and me before setting down 4 large pizzas.

"Jose's whiskey or moonshine as Lily calls it. She wasn't a fan." Kelly laughed as they followed me to the living room. I was anxious to see Jake.

"When did you try it?" Omar asked me.

"Unfortunately Labor Day weekend. I still have a hole in my stomach" I replied, smiling at Jake. He was already distributing whiskey to everyone.

"When are we going out on the boat man?" Brandon asked Jake.

"How bout my actual birthday?" Jake answered, finally approaching me. He gave me a long, lingering kiss. I smiled against his lips.

"Yeah. Dudes only." Omar announced.

Kelly snorted. "Have fun on your sausage fest."

I laughed and we settled on the couch with Rocky, Brandon, and Malik. Everyone tuned into the fight and snacked on food. I stuck with a couple deli rolls, carrots, celery and dip.

As the night went on, the guys and Kelly got drunk off Jose's whiskey. They started playing the "you remember when?" game, bringing up past events that were only funny if you were there. So Rocky, Malik and I just kinda listened on, having no idea what they were talking about or why it was so funny.

"So you two have any single friends?" Malik asked us. "I mean, obviously y'all have a hot girl clique. Any of them looking?"

Rocky smiled. "Sammy?"

"That's your roommate right? I saw her on your Facebook. She's hot." Malik asked.

"What are y'all talking about? And why are you checking out my girl's Facebook page?" Jake asked Malik.

"Your girl is my friend now." Malik said, cockily.

"After you requested me!" I said, quickly.

Malik laughed.

"Seems like you're friends with everyone on Facebook." Omar commented to me.

"Not everyone." I said, pointedly. "But Sammy just started dating someone. How bout Jackie?" I changed the subject off Facebook. Fast.

"Jackie likes Ethan." Brandon said.

"Jackie likes whoever giving her the right attention." Rocky scoffed.

"What does she look like?" Malik asked.

I pulled out my phone to show him.

"Now why would you cock block Ethan like that?" Brandon asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Shut up Brandon." Rocky glared at him.

"I wouldn't. I would love it if Ethan dated Jackie. Then y'all both could see what drama really looks like." I quipped, holding my phone up to Malik.

"Ooo Drama looks just my type! Hook it up ladies!" Malik declared. Rocky and I both laughed. I noticed Jake was quiet. I sat back down and held his hand.

Jake stayed quiet while we watched the fight. I excused myself when my phone rang. It was my cousin. I went to the restroom to answer it.

"Hey B!"

"Lily! I didn't need any money!" Bianca said right away.

"Ok. I know you wouldn't go home to do laundry unless you needed to save the money. But if you don't need it, save it. Or donate. Whatever you want." I replied.

"Thank you Lily. You coulda told me you were gonna send some. I had to spend the day listening to mom preach."

"First of all, you could have asked. You didn't. I had to assume you needed the money. You know what they say about assuming..."

"What's number 2? And how many are there going to be?" Bianca sighed.

"Second of all," I continued, ignoring her. "You need her preaching! And prayers."

There was a knock on the bathroom door. I opened it to leave and let whoever it was in, but Jake just came in. He closed and locked the door behind him.

Oh fuck. 

"Look who's talking!!!" Bianca exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts. When Jake just watched me, I continued our conversation, turning my back to him.

"Third of all, don't play your 'my mom sucks card' with me. My 'my mom sucks' card will always trump yours."

She had nothing to say to that.

"Fourth-" I started.

"And last!" Jake announced talking into the mouthpiece.

What did I do?...

It confused me when he wrapped his arms around me. 

I turned my head to look at Jake. He was grinning at me as he rubbed himself against my backside. Maybe he wasn't upset. Maybe it was just the fucking moonshine!

"Shut up Jake." I said over Bianca's laughter.

"Yes, make this be the last one! Thank you Jake!" She hollered. 

"Lastly, just tell me what you need. If I have it, you have it, ok?" I finished.

"Ok Lily. Thank you."

"Not a problem. Love you B. Take care and study hard." I said.

"Will do. Love you too cuz." She responded, before hanging up.

"Tu eres muy dulce. {You're so sweet}." Jake moaned in my ear, kissing my ear lobe.

"You're so drunk." I gasped when he ran his tongue on my ear. It sent a shiver up my spine.

"Quiero besar todo tu cuerpo {I want to kiss you all over your body}" He continued, his hands finding their way under my blouse. He fondled me through my leggings. My knees buckled when he gripped my thighs. I couldn't form a coherent thought.

"Jake..." I moaned.

I couldn't even tell if I was protesting or giving in. He took it as me giving in cause he leaned me up against the sink. He kneeled to pull down my leggings and thong. He then adjusted me so he could put his mouth between my legs. I held on to the counter to steady myself. I watched myself in the mirror. I flushed a deep red. I couldn't believe I was doing this, but it turned me on so much and that's what made me turn red. My arousal, not shame.

When I started moving against his mouth, he stood up. He unzipped his pants and pulled himself out. He removed a condom from his pocket and put it on. He then slammed into me. I gasped loudly, forgetting where we were. I stiffed my moans; even though the way Jake was thrusting into me, making sure to rub my clitoris, suggested he wanted me to get loud. When he grinned when he hit my spot, making me cry out, I knew for a fact he wanted everyone to know what we were doing.

But I controlled myself. I closed my eyes and came biting my lip. I looked up in the mirror and opened my eyes, watching him as he finished. He was bucking into me wildly, gripping my hips hard; watching our bodies join together roughly. He shuddered in pleasure, his face finally relaxing after he came. 

I straightened up and pulled up my leggings. I could feel him watching me in the mirror.

"Hurry up and leave." I told him.

"Why?" He asked, cleaning himself up.

"Cause we can't leave together!" I informed him. He laughed like I said something funny.

"Dame un beso." He demanded. 

"No. You out." I exclaimed.

"After my kiss." He grinned. 

I turned around and kissed him. He deepened it, holding me tight against him, swirling his tongue in my mouth. I was able to break away by grazing my teeth on his lip.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, shocked.

"I will bite down next time." I threatened.

 He laughed and left.

After I fixed my hair, I left too.  I could tell by the sly look on Malik's face and the way Rocky cocked an eyebrow at me that they knew what we were up to in the bathroom. I avoided anyone else's glance after that as I sat by Jake. His stupid smug face didn't help.

Thankfully, the fight was over and the night was dwindling down. Kelly said goodbye to me, separately.

"No judgments about couples in their first three months." She winked at me. That made me blush hard.

"What did Kelly say to you?" Jake asked, as I drove his Escalade to my apartment. He insisted I drive us there. Omar looked surprised. I was surprised he wanted to go to my apartment again. I knew he shouldn't be driving.

"Oh, that I shouldn't be embarrassed. It's okay to be a bathroom whore the first 3 months into a relationship." I replied.

Jake found that hilarious. "You can be my bathroom whore whenever you want." Jake laughed.

"Whatever. You already owe my $50 for what we did."

"Just $50? That's cheap." Jake informed me.

"Sorry. I don't know the current prices for sex. Should I be concerned that you do?" I asked.

He laughed at me again. "Not like that. I would pay way more than that. You can get whatever you want from me Cariño." He finished on a yawn.

 I smiled as we drove back to my apartment.


The next morning, I let Jake sleep in. I got up and went to the grocery store. I was walking the aisles when Jenna called me, inviting me to watch the 49ers game with them. I agreed and told her I would make chili.

Jake called me as I was loading the groceries in the car. 

"Hey, where did you put my keys?" He asked. 

"I still have them? Why? Trying to escape?" I asked, teasingly.

"You're the one that's not here." He said.

"I know, I'm on the way back. Plenty of time for you to go home and do your lame fantasy football stuff." I said.

When I got back to my apartment, Jake helped me bring everything in. Sammy was not there. For someone who wasn't sleeping with someone, she sure was gone a lot..

I put the groceries away, leaving out the ingredients for chili.

"Are you going to Forrest's?" He asked me.

"Nope. He only does home games. I'm gonna watch the San Francisco game at my brother's." I told him.

"Cool. What time does it start?" He asked. 


"So I'll swing by and pick you up around 6?"

"You're coming?" I asked, surprised.

"Do you not want me to?" He asked.

"I do, it's just I though you didn't like watching parties. For your fantasy football."

"I don't, but Sunday night there's only one game showing." Jake answered.

I nodded. 

"If you don't want me to go, just say so..."

"I do... it's just, you know there's a big chance that Trevor will be there?"

"And?" He asked.

"And, I just don't want it to be awkward." I finished.

"It won't be. At least not for us. You're with me. What's awkward about that?"

I forced a smile. "Absolutely nothing." 

God, I hope so.


  1. Man I don't like them together at all, he always seems to treat her like he's better then her and very secretive, think it's a little weird he wouldn't go to Forrest ' s house but her brothers he's ok with. He has a weird attitude and I don't like it

  2. I feel bad for Lily. She seems to be holding her breath and waiting for a ticking time bomb to erupt at any given moment. Every action, every word she says she keeps checking on Jake, seeing if she did anything wrong. She shouldn't be in that kind of relationship. I know first time relationship is hard, but there are some things you shouldn't tolerate. I am disliking Jake more and more now.

  3. I don't get what's going on with jake lately. Are his friends saying stuff to him? Are Brandon & Omar talking and then telling him things? Because he sure is not acting like the same jake at the beginning of the relationship. I hope he doesn't try to pull a macho man thing at Cam's house. I like Jake and I really do hope he gets it together! Soon!
    How was Lily cockblocking Ethan? If Ethan wants Jackie he justs needs to ask her out...... If Jackie wants Ethan she'll just say no to meeting Malik. I'm so over brandon's attitude!

    1. Once again I agree with you! I definitely think Brandon & Omar are talking amongst themselves & one or both is talking with Jake...
      Also I think the cockblocking comment could have been a joke if Brandon wasn't such an ass with Lily & at least pretended he supported her & jakes relationship
      Smh I get the feeling things are going to blow up with Jakes friends in Vegas

  4. We know from reading Brandon's POV that he's definitely talking to Jake about Lily, making him question their relationship, trying to act that his relationship is in a better state than Jake's.
    I guess Jake wanted to show everyone who Lily "belongs" to with the bathroom stunt, he does get weird whenever Ethan is mentioned, and again Brandon is not helping with his cockblocking comment. I feel bad for Lily cuz she has no idea why Jake is do controling/defensive/insecure like that. Wonder when he'll tell her about the whole Cara thing

  5. Oh my gosh why do people want to hold on to this cara makes him do every stupid thing he does, come on its as bad as the devil made me do it saying. I think it was rude to have sex in the bathroom that loudly and obvious. If he did it to show she belongs to him by others knowing and listening he's got issues. She seems to be walking on egg shells and letting jake walk all over her
