Thursday, August 28, 2014

Do You...

"Mama said the greatest things in life are free What about lust, what about trust. What about fun? She said, you know that I do"- Do you?.. by Miguel

"Thanks for showing up Lily. I know it was last minute, but today is the only day we're all scheduled to work together and I have news to share." Derek said, as I joined everyone in the meeting.

I just nodded and sat down. I was 30 minutes late to work, but only 5 minutes late to the meeting. A couple more stragglers came in after me, so I was happy I wasn't the only one late. If Jake would have had his way, I wouldn't have been here at all.

We spent the night consummating our new official relationship. When I tried to head home and get ready for work, he pulled me back into his bed. He spent the next 20 minutes trying to sway me to call in with him. I was an orgasm away from being convinced when I got a call from Derek informing me of a meeting. So I left him as he got up and ready for work.

"Effective September 15th, I will be leaving the clinic. I've been offered a position at a children's hospital and I've accepted." Derek announced. "Steven and Christy will be joining me."

Congratulations and well wishes went around the room. I wasn't expecting this. I felt a mixture of emotions. We had a few rough patches, but I feel like Derek and I had finally gotten on the right path. I was finally used to his expectations and procedures. Now I had to get used to someone else's. And a little part of me was envious that he didn't consider asking me if I wanted to leave, but I knew Christy and Steven had more experience and worked with Derek longer. So I pushed my jealousy away.

"The new senior therapist is going to be moving from Tucson, Arizona. She's very excited to meet and work with you all. Ann from HR asked me to inform you all that we are accepting applications, so if you can refer anyone, please do so as soon as possible." Derek finished.

After the meeting, we all went about our day and scheduled appointments. I got an email before lunch from Quintin, another therapist, about a Bon Vonage party on September 12th for Derek , Steven, and Christy. Details were to come.

While on my lunch, I sent a quick group Facebook message to the few physical therapist I graduated with and I finally checked my Facebook notifications. Jake kept me occupied the night before, so I didn't have time to even reply to his message. A fact that didn't go on unnoticed by our friends.

Amber- Aww, sweet. Answer the man!

Cam- Is that a maybe?

Jasmine- Say yes Lily!!!

Brandon- Wish you could delete that post now huh? #FacebookFail

I didn't read anymore. I quickly changed my status to in a relationship with Jake. Then I added a new post:

Of course I said yes to @Jake! Just had to work out a few details. Y'all know how long deliberations can be ;-)

Darren was my last appointment of the day. He brought me a copy of his football schedule. His first game was next Friday. I already told him I would try to make the home games. I was definitely keeping that promise Friday.

When I got off work, I saw I had a missed call from Rocky.

"I'm coming over. I want to know EVERYTHING." She announced when I called her back.

I laughed.

When I got home, Sammy was already there. I told her Rocky was coming over. I invited her to hang out with us if she wanted to hear the details of Jake and me. She did. We made quesadillas and a salad as we waited. By the time Rocky showed up, we were finishing up.

We sat down to eat. Well, they ate. I told them everything that happened between Jake and me. How he asked me to date, the list of dates we completed, and finally the Facebook message they saw the night before.

"I knew he liked you. I told you he treated you differently from any other girl." She sent Sammy a look. "No offense."

"None taken. Besides, he's too controlling for me." Sammy said, as she flipped her hair.

Rocky gave me a look that said, "Talk Bitch."

"I'm sure that was just because we weren't official. Now that were are, it shouldn't be a problem." I said, convincingly because I believed it. Just calling him my boyfriend gave me all the confidence in the world.

Sammy scoffed. "And how did he ask you? On Facebook, so that everyone can see. Especially the person he didn't want you hanging out with." She pointed out.

"Who?" Rocky asked. "Trevor?"

"No. Ethan." Sammy replied. "Does he even know about Trevor?"

I ignored that question. "I told you the story about the note. It was just an inside joke." I started. "And he never said he didn't want me hanging with Ethan."

"Right. Just let him know if you are." Sammy smirked.

"Quite frankly, I wouldn't want my boyfriend hanging out with his ex at all. I really don't care how he did it. At least he did. I'm happy for you Lily." Rocky smiled.

I smiled too. "Thank you."

Honestly, I loved how he did it. One of the first real conversations we had was him telling me not to worry about never having a boyfriend. To enjoy being single and dating until I found someone that was worthy of the honor of being my first boyfriend. That's exactly what he was doing; waiting for someone that made all the negatives worth it.

And I knew he saw my negatives. I opened up to him more than any other guy I've dated. And not just with secrets, but with how I acted. Before we were even friends, I told myself I couldn't date a guy like Jake. I didn't put him on a pedestal, so I didn't feel like I had to catch up to him or pretend to be someone I wasn't. I was completely myself with him and he wanted me. And regardless of his flaws, I wanted him too.

But most importantly, I knew what a big deal it was for him to make that leap with me. He knew what a big deal it was to be my first boyfriend. We were on the same page of finally finding each other. And the fact that he was willing to announce it on Facebook just confirmed to me I found the right one.

"Now did y'all exchange I love yous?" Rocky asked.

I shook my head. "No! Way too soon for that." I replied.

"Interesting." Rocky said, thoughtfully.

"What?" I said, finally able to eat.

"Brandon and Jake definitely heard what you said at the movie theater." Rocky informed me.

"Fuck..." I muttered

"What did you say?" Sammy asked.

"Basically that love was softening me up." I explained.

"Well, he didn't freak out. That's a positive." Sammy shrugged.

"She's right. If he didn't feel the same or thought y'all were moving too fast, he would have waited in asking you to be his girlfriend." Rocky agreed.

I nodded.

"So what's up with Labor day?" Rocky asked.

"I don't know. I need to talk to my boyfriend about that." I smiled.

"Well I'm working that weekend. So y'all have fun planning." Sammy said, before taking her plate to the kitchen.

"Ethan mentioned a game night. Or more like day." Rocky said.

 "A game night? On Labor day weekend?" I grinned. "Ethan would suggest that. I love how his brain works. "

Mr. all work no play would pick the holiday dedicated to workers to have a game night.

I pulled out my phone to text Jake about plans for Labor Day.

"Lily. I have something to tell you. And it's not meant to freak you out or make you question anything. I just thought you should know. Especially if Jake is having issues with you hanging with Ethan." Rocky started.

I looked up, concerned.

"Ethan doesn't think it's serious between you and Jake. He thinks y'all are just fooling around." Rocky informed me.

I took a deep breath. Wow. No wonder I got no reaction from Ethan. On the 4th of July, he implied that he thought I might be hooking up with Jake. Last weekend, I just confirmed what he already thought he knew.

"Sometimes." I said.

"Sometimes?" Rocky repeated.

"Yeah. I love how his brain works. Sometimes." I clarified.

Rocky shook her head.

"Ok. Thanks for letting me know."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Let him think what he wants. Besides, if that keeps the peace between us, maybe that's best for the time being. Jake and I know what we have. I don't care what anyone else thinks." I responded.

Rocky nodded. My phone beeped.

Jake-My family is going out to Lake Texoma. Wanna spend the weekend with me?

Me- So basically, you, my boyfriend, want me to meet your family? As your girlfriend?

Jake- Yes or no little girl.

Me- I need clarification first...

Jake- Yes. As your boyfriend, I want you to meet my family. As my girlfriend.

Me- I'll pencil it in and get back to you.

Jake- Lily...

Me- JK boyfriend. I would love to.

Jake- Why aren't you over here working out the details of us being together? I don't remember us coming to an agreement this morning.

He obviously read my Facebook status. I grinned at what we were really doing this morning. Close, but there was no coming at all.

"Alright. Get back to me on Labor Day. I can tell y'all are not discussing plans." Rocky chided me with a smile.

I blushed. "We did. Looks like we'll be free Monday."

"Cool. I'll hash out the details and get back to you." I walked Rocky out before packing an overnight bag to take to Jake's. I texted him before I left.

Me- On my way. Be ready to negotiate.

The negotiations started as soon as I walked in his apartment. We traded kiss for kiss and clothes for clothes before he picked me up and carried me to his bed. We both used dirty bargaining tactics. He used his strength and talented mouth to hold me down and seduce me. I used my body and my words to sway him. I pressed up against him and moaned out his name. I knew it drove him crazy when I called out for him. He would give me anything I wanted when I did. It was no different that night.

Were we able to come to a settlement that was mutually satisfactory for the both of us. Normally, I wanted to be the clear winner while the other side was the loser. But I loved win/win situations with him.

"I can't wait to get you on the a little bikini..." Jake said, holding me tight against him.

"Nuh uh. Your family is going to be there. A tasteful two piece." I corrected.

He grimaced. "No CariƱo. That sounds awful. Besides, my sisters already saw you in just my shirt."

"Urgh. Don't remind me, but I didn't have any other options. I normally sleep in my workout clothes." I groaned.

"That's why you should let me take you shopping. For lingerie and swimsuits and workout clothes."

"What's wrong with my workout clothes?!?" I demanded.

"Nothing..." he chuckled. "I just can't see your body in them."

"Show off." I mumbled.

"That's right. I wanna show my beautiful girlfriend off. Starting this weekend." He admitted.

I grinned, warmth spreading throughout my body. "Ok. I'll let you pick out my clothes, but I get to plan Monday. Rocky is planning a game night."

"Works for me." Jake replied.

"Good." I smiled, snuggling up against him.

Thursday afternoon, Jordan and I set up drinks at Dave and Buster's for Corey and Sammy. We figured it would be low key and causal. And worst case scenario, if they didn't get along, we could leave after a drink.

"How do I look?" Sammy asked me.

"Hot!!!" I exclaimed proudly, looking her over as I sucked down an ice tea. She just got off, but changed from her sensible shoes to killer stilettos. Paired with tight denim jeans and a low cut black halter, she looked the perfect combination of causal and sexy.

She rolled her eyes. "I know. You don't think it's too much?"

"It is just enough." I assured her. "Ok. Here they come."

I stood up and smiled as Jordan and Corey made their way over. Sammy looked him over in appreciation. He looked so much cuter in person. He had a little bit of a hipster vibe going on with his skinny black jeans, buddy holly glasses and rolled up flannel shirt, but I was hoping that would provide the edge Sammy liked. Without the douchebag-ness.

"Hey." I said, excitedly. "So glad y'all could make it." I smiled.

"I know! We haven't hung out outside of work in forever." Jordan agreed.

"So Lily, this is Corey." Jordan introduced us. "Corey this is Lily and her roommate Sammy."

"Nice to finally meet you." I said, shaking his hand before sitting back down. Sammy shook his hand too and smiled.

"You too. Gotta say, I'm a little relieved. If you we're the brunette in the picture I saw, I would be more disappointed." Corey said.

My mouth dropped open in shock.

Sammy tried to hold back her laugh, but failed. I shot her a glance.

Jordan didn't hold back. She laughed out loud. "Corey stop. He's joking." She reassured me.

Corey smiled. "Had to break the awkwardness somehow." He said, choosing to sit in the chair closest to Sammy. Jordan sat next to me.

"I think it was less awkward before you said that." I mumbled.

Sammy laughed. "It definitely broke the ice with me."

"Mission accomplished." Corey smiled at her.

The waitress came over and took our drink orders.

"So I'm having a hard time understanding why either one of you would need to be set up." Corey asked.

"Well I date assholes. One that happens to be her boyfriend now." Sammy offered, with a smile.

Corey looked at me and smiled too. "No wonder I didn't have a chance."

"Ok. If y'all bonding is going include bashing me, I'll just leave." I announced, only halfway kidding.

They all laughed.

"I'm sorry. It was too easy." Corey smiled. He looked at Sammy. "Let's talk about you. You work here right?"

"Yes and I just started working for a private bartending company. We host parties and events. Loving it so far."

"Tell him about the swinger's party." I prompted Sammy.

She did. And he laughed and asked all the right questions.

Jordan and I smiled at each other. So far so good.

"So I hear you like drugs?" Sammy quipped.

I sputtered in my drink. Jordan looked wide eyed. Corey just laughed.

"I do. I always say I'm a street pharmacist. Minus the street. And with degree. Basically, I push pills to old people." Corey explained.

Sammy laughed. "Love it. I call myself a mixologist without the bitchiness."

We all laughed at that.

When the waitress returned to take food orders, I opted out, saying I needed to get home. Jordan followed my lead. Sammy and Corey decided to stay.

Jordan and I left together. I was beaming. I was so happy Sammy and Corey were getting along. Jordan had a perturbed look on her face. We were nearing the entrance when she stopped me.

"Lily. I need to tell you something." She started.

I looked at her. "Is it about Corey?"

"No. It's about me, and my boyfriend. I need to tell you the truth. I feel like this is the best time to do it-"

Oh God. I swear, I can hear my heart pumping through my chest. I hadn't thought about Sammy's wild predictions, but it look like it was coming true. I had to stop her.

"Jordan. I already know what you're about to say." I cut her off.

"Really?" She said, confused.

"Yes. And I like you. But only as a friend."

The confusion on her face was replaced by shock. "Lily. No! I'm not a lesbian. I'm not into you. My boyfriend is Derek." She blurted out.

I stood there, momentarily shocked. When she opened her mouth to say more, I stormed away from her.


  1. Great post! I am pretty certain her and Ethan will end up together though, I feel like jake is the one before the one... Also not sure why she ran out? It shouldn't matter that Jordan is dating Derek and not sure why Lily ran out. Seems a little immature to me.

    1. It's probably due to shock... Even though it's not stated a lot but you can probably imagine how many times Lily has complained to Jordan about her boss being too hard on her etc. Finding out Jordan was dating him the whole time makes Lily look stupid because she wouldn't have shared her frustrations with Jordan if she knew.

      That's what I think anyway!

    2. Ooohh, good theory! I was trying to figure it out too.

      Either way, that's quite the foot-in-mouth moment!

    3. Anonymous 1- that would suck for Jake! Kinda reminds me of that movie Good Luck Chuck.

      Anonymous 2- Thats a great thought : -)

      Olivia- I know, right? Lily might just be super embarrassed

  2. Egh, I don't really see her with jake in the long haul and I don't think her and ethan ever had that true connection. Maybe this relationship will be a stepping stone, I mean even the way she says first boyfriend kind of makes me think she's treating this as a fling. Sue me but I like the idea of her and Trevor down the road :)

    1. Oh wow. The way she says first boyfriend does make it seem like there will be more to come. I didn't even think about that when I was writing it! :-)

      Lily did say it would never happen. Never say never...

  3. Trevor is just such a douche! He uses what he knows about her to hurt her. I wish I could say it was just immaturity, but I think it's a character flaw. I've seen the Derek thing coming for weeks (since Jordan complained about her boyfriend working too much) but she obviously couldn't tell Lily about it. I think Lily is overreacting.

    1. Trevor apologized for being a douche. Time will tell if he is or not.

      Hopefully Lily gives Jordan a chance to explain now that she can.

  4. I love Lily & Jake together. The level of intimacy they have far surpasses anything she had with Ethan & I can't wait for her to prove him wrong I his thinking that Jake I just a fling. That's pretty presumptuous of him to think that he's so good she couldn't possibly want Jake...(insert eye roll here)
    I don't think they had love I think they had lust & then Lily got her emotions over the miscarried baby confused with feelings for Ethan...he hasn't done anything to date that makes me say "wow he really is good for her"
    As for the Derrick thing..storming away is overreacting but that's pretty embarrassing to find out that the person you're complaining about is your friends bf..& that despite them being together & you being her friend he was still a dick most of the time...& I hope it's never for Trevor! He really hasn't been a good friend lately never mind a decent human being

    LOVE the blog! & your editing is improving a ton!!!

    1. Thank you! I swear, it feels like I spend more time editing than writing! I don't know if that's normal for a blog. But I appreciate that so much!

      As far as Jake and Lily, I like them together too. Maybe I'm just biased. Hopefully they'll convince Ethan and some readers too

      There's a bonus post about the whole Jordan stuff.

      And I know Lily meant Never with Trevor. We'll see what happens.

  5. I love lily and Jake together!! Ethan is too stuck up...and i also cant wait for him to realise that lily/jake are a serious thing.
    As for trevor, she said she feels a brotherly love towards him... kindda weird if he becomes the one.

  6. Gahh!! So much going on here!! Great Great post!! How fricking awkward it must be to find out your friend Jordan is dating her boss and someone you've been badmouthing?! #Yikes!!
    I really can't decide between Jake and Ethan, but I do agree that the level of intimacy with Jake was always great and the connection with Ethan is 'weaker', but I want to give it more time...people grow and change over time (obviously).

    Tell us what's going to happen Janay!! Pleaaaaasseee!
