Thursday, June 26, 2014

Perfect Situation

"Perfect Situation"- Weezer

Wednesday, I went to work in much better spirits. I knew I wasn't over Ethan at all. And if he came over today, with a huge romantic gesture, I would live all happily ever after with him. Hell, who am I kidding? He could send me a text saying he wanted to be with me, and I'd still happily agree. But anyway, the difference is I don't berate myself for being upset. Like Rocky said, I'm just focusing on feeling better every day. And I honestly felt like with time, I would be ok.

I explained this to Jordan at work. She took an early lunch so she asked me how I'm doing on her way back when I'm on my way to lunch. She offered to set me up, when I was ready. I told her I'd keep that in mind.

While I'm at my lunch, I check out the text Jake sent me.

When we got home from the mall the other day, I saw I had a text from an unknown number.

It read: Let me know when you're ready to see my gun.

I laughed and replied.

Me: No thanks, I'll just ask Sammy about it.

After I sent the text, I saved Jake's number. This morning, I sent him security guard memes I found online. Look some up. There are a ton of hilarious ones. He texted me back.

Jake: What did you score on your MCAT?

When I texted him I didn't take the MCAT, he send back a link that listed all the subjects you can get doctorate degree in.

Jake: So all of y'all are doctors?

Me: Shut. Up.

Jake: Lol

I smiled and put my phone away. Not gonna lie, texting him made me forget everything for a while. But the one thing I really like about Jake is that I'm completely not attracted to him. Yes, he's hot. And comical. A dangerous combination to me. But he's "hanging out" with Sammy. And he's a man whore. Who knows how attractive he is and flaunts his conquest. I could never be with a guy like that. So it's harmless to text him. He's completely safe to me. And that's exactly what I need to distract me from Ethan. Good friends. I considered Jordan and Jake both new friends.

At the end of the day, I head home. I had a missed call from Trevor so I called him back. He asked if he could drop by because he had a gift for me. I agreed, of course.

I hopped in the shower. Afterwards, I got dressed. When I entered my room, Trevor is already on my bed waiting for me (we have a keyless lock on the front door and Trevor knows the code.)

"Gimme gimme gimme!" I said, sitting on the bed next to him.

"So greedy." Trevor smiled at me, handing over a bag.

I reached in the bag and pulled out the Game of Thrones box set. I looked up at Trevor, confused.

"End of one era. Beginning of a new one. You're late, but you can jump on the Game of Thrones bandwagon since True Blood is ending." Trevor explained.

I smiled at him and gave him a huge hug. "Thanks T-rev."

"No problem." He said, hugging me back. When I pulled away, he kept an arm around me. "Besides, if this keeps you from being a mean girl, throwing glasses around, and crying, I think it's worth it." He teased me.

I grinned. "I told you I was PMSing."

"I've seen you PMSing. That's chocolate, salty food, and being lazy. This was not PMS."

I smiled, sadly. I might as well tell him. He'd figure it out eventually.

"Ethan is dating someone. That's why I've been so out of it." I admitted to Trevor.

Trevor was quiet for a moment, before he rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Lilypad. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Do you wanna know? I know you never really liked Ethan." I accused, cocking my head to the side to look at him.

We never really talked about our relationships when we first became friends. Mostly because I didn't have any to speak of. And it was a taboo subject for me. It was bad enough seeing the roster of girls he was hanging with. I didn't want to hear about it too.

When we graduated and moved to Dallas, I accepted it was never going to happen between us. So I was fine hearing about his sexcapades. Funny thing is, he slowed down tremendously after college. So there wasn't much to tell for him either. I dated a little in grad school. A lot of first dates. But between school and work, I just didn't meet anyone that I wanted to make time for. We were able to open up to each other in a way we didn't before because we were pretty much in the same place.

That was until I started babysitting EJ. And met Ethan. And because Trevor knew everything that happened between Cam, Megan, and Ethan, I couldn't talk to him about. It was so hard to keep my "relationship" with Ethan a secret.

But when Trevor caught us, he told me how stupid I was being. I didn't have a chance to explain our relationship. He just wanted me to end it. But I didn't realize that he disliked Ethan enough to tell my brother Cam about us. That's why I'm surprised he offered to talk to me about Ethan.

"I don't have anything against him. I don't even know him. I just never wanted to see you get hurt." Trevor explained.

"Ethan didn't hurt me." I hurt Ethan. And myself by not telling him the truth. Maybe Rocky is right. At the very least, he deserves to know what he meant to me. Maybe even what he still means to me...

"The thing about Ethan that bothered me the most was that you were lying to me. That's not us." He said, rubbing my back and interrupting my thoughts.

"So that's why you told Cam?"

"Yeah. You know even if we don't agree, you know you can always come to me. We can talk about anything. When you didn't, I was worried. So I told Cam."

I nodded. I understood that. It was true. He used to know everything about me. Looking back, I really could have used his male opinion to figure out that Ethan did have feelings for me. Then maybe I wouldn't have blown it.

Right now, I'm tempted, soooo tempted, to tell him everything. I keep thinking about my brother saying I needed to talk to someone...

But I don't. Trevor is my bright spot. I can't tarnish him. I can't burden him with my issues. And I couldn't stand it if he looked at me differently.

"I know T-Rev. But now, there is really nothing to tell besides it's over between me and Ethan. And I'm feeling better about it. I'm getting over it. I talked it out with Rocky. And Rocky said crappy tv is part of the grieving process. So thanks for the gift." I smiled, teasingly.

"Hey now! There is nothing crappy about Game of Thrones."

I smirked. "It's dragons."

"Still awesome." He responded, reaching to take the box set for me so he could set it up.

"Start on the last season." I declared.

He looked confused. "Why wouldn't we start from the beginning?"

"Why do that when we can just pause it so you can explain to me what happened? "

"Brat." He smiled, putting on the DVD.

We get through the first disc and I'm officially hooked.

"Alright. Definitely not crappy." I stretched, as Trevor got the next disc.

"Told you." He bragged. "You should spend the weekend with me. Then we can get all caught up. And you can grieve and stuff."

"I'm over grieving and stuff. Besides, EJ's birthday party is Saturday."

"You're still going to go?"

"Yeah. I'm still going to maintain a relationship with EJ. Not going let Ethan and his stupid girlfriend stop that."

Trevor shook his head. "Doesn't sound like you're over it."

"I said I'm over grieving." I clarified.

"Well, I'll go with you."

I brightened. "Really? You would go with me?" It would be awesome to have him there. He will keep me positive. I thought about taking Sammy, but she's the one that encouraged me to sleep with Ethan. Who knows what she might say or do. And as satisfying as it would feel, I won't do that to EJ. I didn't think to invite Trevor cause I believed he didn't like Ethan. But Trevor is definitely the better choice.

"Of course. There's gonna be cake right?"

I laughed. Trevor has a huge sweet tooth. "Yes."

"Then I'm there."

I smiled as we got settled on the bed. I made a lot of mistakes when I moved back to California. One of them was distancing myself from Trevor. He always brightened up even my darkest days. I could have used that in California. I grabbed his hand. He smiled at me. It gave me comfort knowing that I would never let anything come between us again.

So what do you think about Lily's friends so far? Both new and old? 


  1. I like the flirting with Jake - Rocky and Sammy may not.... I don't think Lily will act on it... I think Jake may try. This may light the fire under Ethan :) I love that Lily has a friend in Trevor... she has to be BLIND not to see that the guy is in love with her...

    1. Totally agree!

    2. Lily sees Trevor and Jake as just friends. Have to wait and see what everyone else feels about it. Does Ethan seem like the jealous type? :-)

  2. Actually I don't completely agree, I was just rethinking about the jake thing. Jake is "talking to" Sammy right? So I think lily would have been mad if Sammy or rocky flirted with Ethan even though Ethan and lily aren't officially together either. But I still like to see her get her flirt on, and I love Trevor

    1. Jake describe it as "hanging out". And definitely Lily would have been upset. Every woman needs a Trevor: -)

  3. I dont want her and Trevor to catch feelings for each other, im still stuck on Ethan, lets ditch the girlfriend and make it happen!

  4. Sounds like Trevor has a thing for Lily but I could be wrong, might just be an awesome friend. And I'm also thinking Ethan isn't over Lily but doesn't want to get hurt by her again. She needs to just tell him how she feels. Even if they don't date, she'll get it off her chest and be able to move on.

    Now about that bonus post... :)
