Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bad Things

"Bad Things"- Jace Everett

I spent the rest of Sunday night after my disastrous date with Ethan, crying my eyes out to Sammy. She consoled me. She told me that Ethan was a jerk. That there were plenty of other guys out there. And I shouldn't cry over a guy that ultimately ended up being nothing to me.

I know that. But she doesn't understand how I truly feel. She can't cause she doesn't know everything.

Part of me feels like maybe I deserved it. I can't help thinking about all the times he showed me how he really felt about me. And how I stupidly ignored them. He was willing to try to make us work, even if I moved. Thinking about my last two years in California, I wondered how things could have been if I just reached out to him. If I told him about what I was going through. About everything...

I quickly changed my train of thoughts. I don't wanna think about it. Cause at the end of the day, I didn't reach out to him. I decided to move on.

But as hard as I tried, I couldn't.

Eventually, that just convinced me that Ethan and I should be together. It had occurred to me that I waited too long. But it was impossible for me to accept that time had pulled us apart. Especially when I still wanted him the way I did when I left.

 But now, I know it's too late.


I spent the last week completely numb. I stayed on autopilot, hoping that if I pretended my heart wasn't broken, eventually it wouldn't be. You know, fake it to make it.

I was doing a good job of it till Wednesday. Brandon and I were playing with EJ. I knew Ethan should be coming over to pick him up soon. I made sure to get ready to go for a run. I was holding it together, but I knew I couldn't fake it with Ethan just yet. I really don't know how I did it at the restaurant.

When I get back from my extra long run, EJ is gone. Brandon gives me a sad look.

"I know I said I'll stay out of you and Ethan's relationship, but he's making a big mistake. And I told him that." Brandon said.

I cringed. "He told you?"

"Yeah. I didn't realize something was up until he was asking about you. He made it seem like y'all just cleared the air or something. Did he tell you he was dating-"

"Yeah, he did." I cut him off. I don't even want to hear her name,

"Are you ok?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah. I just need a little time. That's all." I answered simply. "But, can you not tell Rocky? I don't really need any of her tough love right now."

"No problem." Brandon assured me.


This weekend, I was in much better spirits. I stayed distracted with the premiere of the last season of True Blood. Rocky and I decided to throw a little watching party. We invited Sammy, Peyton and Trevor. They all watched the show as well. Brandon wasn't really a fan, but he was going to watch it with us too.

We also decided to dress up as our favorite characters. Rocky and I were dressing up as Tara and Pam, respectively, when they were imprisoned last season. It was last minute, so our costumes consisted of a blond wig and fangs for me; a black wig and fangs for Rocky; and orange prisoner jumpsuits for us both. Yes, we know the jumpsuits were not orange, but once again, it was last minute.

Sunday evening, we sent Brandon to Copeland's to pick up the food we ordered for the party while we got ready.

We then played music from the True Blood soundtracks and made Cajun Margaritas. Brandon finally made it back and we set up all the food. We had bayou broccoli, crawfish bread, fried shrimp, and fruit and vegetable trays.

Sammy was the first to arrive. She's wearing a LBD with long red extensions in her hair and fangs. Clearly Jessica.

"Jessica? Fucking baby vamps." I smiled at her.

"OMG, you should totally go blond. It looks so good on you." She exclaimed, hugging me.

"Yeah right." I said, hugging her back.

"I'm for real." She said pulling away. "Hey Rocky. Brandon, why aren't you dressed up!?!?" She said, greeting them.

"Cause the only black guy was gay." He said, simply, munching on some shrimp.

I laughed and Sammy rolled her eyes. "You coulda been Alcide. Or Jason. Jason and Jessica had my favorite sex scenes of all time..." Sammy said, flirtatiously.

Brandon chuckled. "I guess I gotta check those out."

Rocky narrowed her eyes at Sammy. Before Sammy responded, the doorbell rang.

"Wanna go get it?" I asked Sammy.

"Sure..." she said straightening her short dress and strutting to the door.

"She's got one more time..." Rocky warned me.

"Chill out. She's just messing around." I defended her.

Sammy came back with a sour expression on her face. 5 seconds later, I see why. Trevor, dressed as Sam, came into the kitchen with a strawberry blonde "Sookie" on his trail. Peyton and her boyfriend Chris are dressed up as Arlene and Terry. They followed Trevor and his date.

"Hey everyone. This is Becca. Becca, this is everyone." Trevor introduced her.

She said "Hey" and did a little wave. She's cute and petite. How typical. Apparently, he's attracted to every type of girl considering his conquests in college. But petite white girls seemed to be his go to.

While he introduces her individually, Sammy came to my side in the kitchen.

"What corner did he find this one at?" She said, sharply.

I laughed. "Good question. I'm about 70% sure this is the chick he had in his apartment."

 Trevor and Becca approached us. "This is Lily and Sammy" Trevor said. We both smiled and welcomed her.

"What are y'all over here laughing about?" Trevor asked us.

"Favorite sex scenes." Sammy answered, smiling seductively.

He looked from her to me. "Pam and Tara of course."

"What? Y'all dressed up as a couple?" Brandon asked us.

"No, we dressed up as our favorite characters." I corrected him. "And they never had a sex scene. Just kissing."

"I don't know. I feel like we should get a couple drinks and get a re-enactment going..." Trevor grinned. Everyone but me laughed. I forced a smile.

"Not happening. C'mon, let's eat. The show's gonna start soon." Rocky declared.


After the show, I started cleaning up. Sammy already left. She was honestly the only thing keeping my annoyance in check. Why come to a True Blood party when you don't watch it?

Brandon I didn't mind. He just ate and played on his phone. He already said vampires weren't his thing. But Becca asked stupid question after stupid question. Which Trevor and Peyton encouraged by pausing the show and explaining. Becca is one of Peyton's friends. Becca and Trevor met through Peyton. I never had a problem with Peyton, but she was losing major cool points with me.

Sammy would mutter something sarcastic, or just flat out mean, and I would giggle or agree. After the 3rd time, Trevor sent me a dirty look. I ignored him. He was in the negative with cool points.

As I cleaned, Rocky gave Becca a tour of the house with Peyton and Chris. Brandon put up the food while Trevor brought me dirty dishes.

"What's up with you?" Trevor asked, joining me at the sink with more dishes.

"What do you mean?" I asked, loading the dishwasher.

"You and Sammy and y'alls mean girl routine." Trevor explained.

"I wasn't mean. Just irritated. Stopping the show every 30 seconds is annoying. I'm sure I missed stuff. I'm gonna have to go back and watch it over." I complained.

"So? You know you were going to watch it over again anyway."

Brandon chuckled. I sent him a glare.

Sometimes I hate that Trevor knows me so damn well. "Not the point."

"Then what's the point?" Trevor asked.

"It was a True Blood party, not fucking date night!" I exploded.

"It's not my fault Ethan didn't come." Trevor argued.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I've never told him anything about me and Ethan. Why would he say that? In my surprise, I turned to look at him and I knocked a margarita glass on the floor in the process. It shattered on impact.

"FUCK!" I exclaimed. I immediately bent down and picked up the larger pieces. A few tears of frustration fall from my eyes.

Trevor bent down with a dish towel to help me. I hid my face from him, but it was too late. "Why are you crying? Did you cut yourself?" Trevor asked, concerned.

"No. I'm fine. It's nothing." I said.

Brandon came over with the trash bag. When I threw the glass away, he grabbed my hands and examined them. When he didn't see a cut, he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Everything alright?" Becca asked. Great, just great. Now she can witness my meltdown.

"Yeah. Just an accident. Rocky, can you get this for me? Lily is hurt." Trevor asked.

"What happened?" Rocky asked, looking at my hands in Brandon's. I pulled my hands away.

"I got it" Brandon volunteered, heading to get the broom and dust pan.

"Sorry." I murmured to Rocky, before rushing to the bathroom. I barely got the water on when Trevor came in the bathroom with me.

"What the fuck Trevor? Can I get some privacy?" I raged at him.

 "I thought you needed help. Are you cut?" He explained.

"No. I'm fine." I repeated, washing my hands, then wiping my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, softly.

"I don't know." I lied.

"Yes you do."

"I guess... it's just... sad." I shrugged.

"What's sad?"

"It's the first episode of the last season of True Blood. It's the end of a era." I lied, lamely.

"Lilypad-" Trevor started. I'm sure he knows I'm lying.

"Trevor, I'm fine." I said firmly. "Apologize to Becca for me ok? Say I was PMSing or something." I finished, leaving the bathroom and heading straight for my room. So much for distractions. How did my True Blood night end so badly?

So what do you think? Should Lily be so upset about Ethan?  Or did she get what she deserved? Was she naive to think everything would fall into place after 2 years? Any True Blood fans out there? :-)


  1. I'm not a True Blood fan, but I would lose my shit on someone that needed the show stopped every 30 seconds to have it explained. Um, no. Sit down, shut up and watch. You don't understand it, google it after or save your questions for later. Don't interrupt the damn show. that, to me is like constantly getting up during the hockey game to get something and I have to constantly stand up and miss shit because you're in front of me. I hate it.

    But I'm a bitch like that.. lol

    1. I guess im a bitch too. I was lmao at look it up on google lol

  2. I think Lily has a right to be upset I mean she thought things were going to be good for her and Ethan, he should of told her sooner he was seeing someone so she didn't fall so hard for him again.. I do get things change in 2 years but maybe things will get better... I don't watch True Blood but I have saw a show or two and yes if it was my show I would be super mad for pausing it so much and all.. I like this blog a lot and I can't wait to see what comes up.. I don't think Lily can advoid Ethan forever but we will see!!

    1. Oh she definetly can't. Hopefully she'll have herself together by then

  3. I like the idea of her and Trevor, he did seem like he was trying to make her jealous and brought up how ethan didn't come probably because he likes her....

    1. Probably... Trevor is not very subtle at all is he?

  4. I think the holding back from Rocky is a mistake... She's gonna give tough love anyway... and be upset with both Brandon and Lily when it comes out... I think living with Sammy is going to put a strain on the Rocky/Lily relationship... I have a feeling Trevor will be involved... as he cannot bite his tongue when it comes to Lily's personal matters ;)


    1. Quite possibly.
      And yeah. Here's hoping Rocky actually took Lily advice to heart. Or its really not going to be good when she finds out.
      Thank you!
