Monday, May 19, 2014

Working My Way Back to You

“Working my way back to you, babe
With a burnin' love inside
Yeah, I'm workin' my way back to you, babe
And the happiness that died
I let it get away
Been payin' every day” Working My Way Back To You by The Spinners
Monday was my first day of work. The morning reminded me of the first day of school; Getting all nervous and preparing for the day that turns out to be completely underwhelming. Nonetheless, I fretted over my make-up and hair, before deciding to go with just mascara, liner and gloss with my hair half up/half down. I paired the outfit I bought with low black pumps.
When I arrived at the clinic, I headed to the back to meet Ann, the human resources manager. She got me settled in the meeting room with new hire paperwork. I got to work on that while she got a computer up and running for me. When I was done, I got on the computer. I spent the first half of my day watching videos about company procedures and policies and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) training.
After that, I had a break for lunch. Ann then took me to the training center. It's massive and equipped with stretching/massage tables, stimulation machines, treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights, ellipticals, exercises balls and whirlpools. I met my immediate supervisor Derek, the senior physical therapist. He looks like he's in his early 30s, muscular built, with short red hair and freckles all over his skin. He was warm and friendly, and made me feel welcomed.
He took me on a tour. The center is busy, but he introduced me to some of my co-workers. I tried my best to match names to faces, but I know I'm going be relying on ID badges for a while. Derek asked me about my previous work. I filled him in on my fellowship and he listened carefully. He informed me that since it’s not a hospital, we're more laidback and less formal. Everyone goes by their first names and it's all about teamwork. We work closely with the surgeons' pre and post-surgery. Because we all should be following the fitness plan set specifically for each patient, anyone should be able to work with any patient at any given time. I whole heartedly agreed, excited about the prospect of a team.
He then took me over to the surgical side. He introduced me to the nurses and receptionists, letting me know they were good friends to have, considering they knew more of what was going on than anyone else. I met one of the orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Lee. He was brief, but polite. The other surgeon was out of the office so I didn't get to meet him. I left, honestly excited to come back Wednesday to work.
When I got home, I changed out of my work clothes. When Rocky made it home, she asked me how my day was. I told her the abbreviated version and about my plans to move in with Sammy. She was thoughtful for a moment, and I asked her if she was ok.
"Of course I'm fine. I knew you weren't going to be here forever. Quite frankly, I'm looking forward to getting naked with my man all over the house again."
I groaned while she smiled. "But seriously. Sammy? Are you sure you wanna do that? You were saying how off she ways the other day."
"Yeah, but that was only about Trevor. We are cool. She's so excited."
"I bet she is."
My eyebrows rose at her. Rocky sighed. "Just be sure alright? I don't want you stuck in a situation because you signed a lease with her."
"I'll be fine. Besides, I'll only sign a year lease. That should be enough time for her to figure out what she wants to do. Who knows what can happen in a year..." I trailed off, thinking about where I wanna be: With Ethan. A smile crept to my face thinking about being with him, and his body, everyday...
"You’re nasty!" Rocky interrupted my thoughts. I blushed. Before I can deny it, Brandon walked in the kitchen doorway.
 "Who's nasty?" He smiled.
"Lily!" Rocky interrupted me. "She's thinking about how in a year she wants your brother to be beside her... on top of her, and under her too!" Rocky grinned, evilly.
Brandon laughed as he gave Rocky a hug from behind. "You forgot behind her." he added, grinding into her.
They both laughed as I felt my face get hot. I was sure I was bright red.
"That too!" Rocky laughed.
"Don't make him wait a year!" Brandon exclaimed. I put up a middle finger for both of them as I headed to my room.
"Wait, do you have plans for Memorial Day?" Brandon asked me.
"Not that I know of. The clinic is closed." I responded.
"My friends are all going to meet up at Joe Pool Lake. We're gonna camp out and bbq. You should come."
Before I can ask if Ethan is coming, Rocky shot me a "you don't have a choice, you're coming" look.
"Sure, sounds fun. Can I invite Sammy?"
"Of course. Invite whoever you want. There are campgrounds. Just tell them to bring sleeping supplies if they're staying the night." Brandon explains.
When Brandon got a phone call, Rocky looked over at me. "Girl, we are not sleeping at any campgrounds with his lame friends. I'll get back to you with the details when I have them."
I laughed. Alrighty then.


  1. I saw the link on another blog and immediately started reading. I've went back and re-read the posts to ensure I have had the timeline correct. I find myself checking every day for a new post, I cannot wait to see what happens next!

    Will Trevor make a move? Will Ethan? Is Sammy really the B*&%$ that she seems to be....What was her brother referring to that she immediately kicked him out? I cannot wait to read more!

    1. Yay! Glad you found this.This will be the last week of flashbacks, so the timeline shouldnt be an issue anymore. And the post, as far as plot, will start to pick up. Alot of your questions will be answered next week. Thank you for reading. Im glad you're enjoying it so far.
