Wednesday, May 14, 2014


"Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that stick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game? Doin' the love game...
I can see you staring there from across the block
With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your huh!
The story of us, it always starts the same
With a boy and a girl and a huh and a game
And a game, and a game, and a game, a love game" LoveGame by Lady GaGa

Wednesday afternoon Brandon was off, so he offered to watch EJ after school. After making and eating a snack of lettuce wraps with me, EJ sat down to do his homework with Brandon.

I listened as EJ got more frustrated with his math assignment. He had to memorize his addition values up to 10. Brandon was timing him so he wouldn't be able count on his fingers, forcing him to recall what the answers are. After about 30 minutes, Brandon called it quits.

EJ immediately rushed to me. "Can I play on your phone again?"

"I have a better idea. Let's play a board game." I suggested.

He made a face. "I don't like those dumb baby games."

"Me neither. That's why I was thinking monopoly." I said, going to the den and pulling the game off the entertainment center.

"I don't know how to play." EJ replied, looking at the game curiously.

"I will teach you, then you're on your own pal." I assured him, setting up the game on the table in the breakfast nook. Brandon joined us to play.

I dealt all the properties out at the beginning to make the game go by faster. Brandon and I smiled at each other every time EJ recalled the total of the dice added together to see how many spaces he can move. The game, however, was at a standstill. EJ refused to sell his property to me or Brandon, so no one had a monopoly. That's how Ethan found us when he came to pick EJ up.

"Why don't you trade with Uncle Brandon or Lily?" Ethan asked him after Brandon explained our dilemma.

"Because they're mine." EJ answered simply.

"You know if you have all of the same colored property, you can build on them. Then, you get more money When someone lands on them." Ethan explained.

"Yeah, but they want more of my money too." EJ reasoned. correctly.

"That's why you have to make sure you get the better deal." He told EJ in a loud whisper. "Let's start with Lily."

"Why Lily?" EJ asked.

 Ethan looked at me and smirked. "She's super competitive, so I know she's eager to do business."

I blushed, remembering why he said I was super competitive.


March 2012

"C'mon, one more game!" I pleaded with Ethan, pulling out the game card to swipe the basketball shooting game.

 Dave and Buster's had just closed. I had already closed out my register and was waiting for the lead bartender to dismiss me. Ethan came to hang out with a co-worker. His co-worker already left, but Ethan was waiting so he could walk me to my car. He had beat me in basketball 2 times now, but I thought now that I was warmed up I could beat him.

"You realize I played basketball in college right?" He said to me.

"You realize I'm going to beat you this time right?" I taunted back.

"Set it up."

"We need to raise the stakes..." I commented.

"How much you wanna bet?"

"I can't take money from you. It's like taking away from EJ."

He smiled. "So what are you talking about?"

"I don't know. I need a goal to work to."

"Ok. How bout three favors?"

"Perfect!" I grinned at him.

We then started the game. Halfway through, I looked over at Ethan's score. He was crushing me. Again. Frustrated, I knocked the ball out of his hands.

When it flew across the room, he doubled over laughing. I tried to take advantage and beat his score, but I didn't have enough time to catch up. Once the game ended, he was watching me with a smile. I gave him a dirty look and he started laughing all over again. 

"I swear," he said between laughs, "I knew guys who were trying to get drafted that are less competitive than you."

I walked away to retrieve the ball. I came back and he grabbed my arm. "Don't be like that..." he told me, a teasing smile still on his handsome face. "Are you going to be a good sport and congratulate me on my win?"

"Is that one of your favors?" I pouted, sticking out my lips. dramatically.

"Yes." He smiled, wider.

"Congratulations." I huffed, before I tried to turn away from him. This time when he pulled me back, he crushed his lips on mine. His lips were soft, but demanding, as he moved into me. I felt fire on my lips, breasts, arms and stomach... all the places our bodies were touching.

"Thank you." He exhaled when he finally pulled back. "I'm guessing that was one of my favors."

I nodded, too stunned to speak.

"I'm gonna use the last one-" he started. Before he could finish, Amber called down to me.

"We're closed! Come clock out."

I scurried away to go clock out. Nothing else was said about the kiss as he walked me to my car, but later on that night I got a text.

Ethan: Don't forget. You still owe me one more favor.


"Good game EJ." I congratulated him as Ethan and I put up the board. I couldn't help stealing glances at Ethan as I recalled our first kiss. Ethan caught my eye and smiled.

"Can we play again next time?" EJ asked, putting on his shoes. He and Ethan beat us. Brandon basically bankrupted himself when Rocky got home because he was tired of playing. When EJ got all of his property to settle his debt, I had no chance.

"Of course." I said, smiling at him. "Maybe I can teach you some other games too."

"Ok, but I wanna play monopoly. With Daddy and Rocky. Uncle Brandon and Rocky can be a team since he lost."

Rocky snickered at Brandon.

"Hey, Lily lost too!" Brandon protested.

"Not as bad as you." I pointed out, putting the lid on the game.

EJ exclaimed, "Dad and Lily can be a team since I won.

"Maybe. Come on bud. Let's head home." Ethan responded.

I was trying to play it cool and keep the silly grin off my face at the thought of being paired up with Ethan. It's just a game.

I gave EJ a hug on the way out. He then ran out to Ethan's truck.

"Good game; surprised to see you lose to a kid so graciously." Ethan stopped to tell me.

"Eh, beginners luck. I'll get him next time." I shrugged, looking up at him.

"That's too bad for me..." Ethan trailed off.

"Why? You would be on my team remember?"

"Yeah, it's just more fun watching you lose." He replied, with a sexy smile, before joining EJ in the car.

I was still standing there, smiling to myself, as Ethan pulled away.

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