Thursday, May 8, 2014

Count On Me

"You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye
You know
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Ooooooh, oooohhh
You can count on me 'cause I can count on you" Count on Me by Bruno Mars

I went to my job interview today and... 

I got the job! Apparently one of the physical therapists resigned suddenly to take a new job, so they were shorthanded. Dr. Roberts, the doctor that I worked with in California, wrote me a glowing recommendation. So that, coupled with their desperation, got me a job offer after the interview.

Being my father's daughter, I negotiated my salary and schedule. Growing up chubby and shy, I tended to get nervous and second guess myself, but my dad always lectured "never let them see you sweat". I negotiated Tuesdays off with every other weekend on call and below average salary of a therapist (not surprising with my work experience) but opportunity for raises after 6 months. My dad would be proud of me.

Although they may have not seen me sweat, I definitely felt it (sorry, gross, but true!). So as soon as I got back to the house, I hopped in the shower. I just turned off the water when I heard a knock on the door.

"Just a second" I called out, stepping out the tub.

"Take your time." Brandon said, "I need to ask you something when you're done. I have a co-worker here."

"Ok!" I quickly finished, throwing on jean shorts and a fitted t-shirt.

When I joined Brandon in the living room, him and his coworker were eating Chili's to go and the smell reminded me that I hadn't ate since that morning.

"It smells good in here." I said, sitting on the ottoman next to them on the sectional.

"You smell good." Brandon's co-worker commented. I could immediately tell he's a flirt like Brandon. His blue eyes were gleaming with mischief. I was sure that, paired with his sandy blonde hair, keeps him busy with the ladies.

"Thanks." I smiled. "It's Beautiful Day by Bath and Body Works"

"Adam this is Lily. Lily, this is Adam." Brandon introduced us. Brandon motioned to a bag sitting on the coffee table. "I got you a bacon avocado chicken sandwich."

I smiled at him. "You're awesome, thank you."

I was digging through the bag when Brandon asked, "How'd the interview go?"

"Great! I got the job." I answered.

"Congratulations!" Brandon cheered.

"Where are you working?" Adam asked.

"As a physical therapist at a sports medicine and orthopedics clinic."

"Awesome." Adam said, simply. I found my sandwich and an order of chicken tenders. "Who are the chicken fingers for?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you. I gotta go back to Target. We need to set up a new planogram before the store manager gets back. Do you mind watching EJ today? It'll only be a couple of hours." Brandon explained.

"That's great! I was going to wait until the next weekend he has with Ethan to go see him, but this is so much better."

Brandon nodded. "I'm going to go pick him up from school and Megan should pick him up around 5:30."

"Sounds good. I'm going to call and ask Ethan." I announced. I wanted to call partially because I don't want to overstep my boundaries again, but mostly just to talk to him.

"I already texted him. Beside, you already asked, remember?"

I shrugged and began opening my food.

After eating, I started cleaning and getting ready for EJ, nervously. We talked and shared pictures while I was in California, but he hadn't seen me in a long time. I was afraid he wouldn't be comfortable around me anymore. I took a deep breath when I heard the front door open.

"Well who's going to watch me if you and Racqelle are at work?" EJ asked, indignantly. I smiled at his familiar tone. I was used to him complaining when he felt like someone was doing him wrong, like taking away his games or making him clean his room.

"I thought I would, but if you don't want me to..." I answered, smiling at him in the den by the front door. His eyes narrowed as he looked me over, before recognition sets in on his face.

"Lily!!!" He yelled, before running to me. I scooped him up in my arms, holding him close, willing the tears to stay behind my eyes. Brandon watched us with a smile on his face.

I held him in my arms, his leg wrapped around me as Brandon said goodbye. "I'm going to head to work. You listen to Lily. Finish your homework before your mom gets here ok?" EJ looked at Brandon, taking his wide eyes off me for a split second, nodding.

"What are you doing here?!?" He asked me when Brandon left.

"I moved back EJ" I put him down and held his hand, looking him over. He was lanky, all arms and legs. His skin tone still reminded me of sugar cookies, a testament to him being biracial. I used to tease him about it when he was four, as I pretended to eat him up. I see a lot of Ethan in his face, but he has his mother facial expressions, honey brown eyes and straight hair that is cut short on his head. He really got the best of both of his parents as far as looks went.

He looked at me surprised. "You're going to be a doctor here?"

"I sure am!"

"And you're gonna babysit me again?" He asked, excitedly.

"Every chance I get!" The smile he gave me warmed my heart.

***Look out for a post this weekend. I'm still trying to figure out a posting schedule. Suggestions are appreciated. I'm thinking it's going to be 3 post a week, one being a flashback until I feel like enough of the back story is told. Thanks for reading!***


  1. Loving it and can't wait for the next post. I would love to see tons of posts every week, but I really don't want you burning out like a bunch of blogs I have followed in the past have done. I would rather you pace yourself instead of running out of steam. You have a great writing style and I am having no problem following along, flashbacks and all. You have a unique story line that is captivating!

    1. Thank you so much! Im thinking 3 times a week, just debating on what days. And i've been working on this for a while. Plenty ahead for these characters :-)

  2. I just found your blog and I love it so much! Wow!
